Ch. IX

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Before we start this chapter, I'd like you to take a second and marvel at mcvibe007's superb fanart of it!! SHES SO TALENTED AND I LOVE HER

Before we start this chapter, I'd like you to take a second and marvel at mcvibe007's superb fanart of it!! SHES SO TALENTED AND I LOVE HER

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"Come on!" She insisted, linking her arm with his and nodding in the direction of the sunflower field. She's utterly adorable when she's excited about something, Connor concluded while staring at her expression for just a few seconds more than necessary.

"The flowers aren't going anywhere, (y/n)." He explained, to which she huffed.

"But I am!" She giggled and let go of him, sprinting towards the field. Before Connor even had the chance to react, she had already disappeared between the tall flowers, her silhouette getting lost inside the green maze of stems.

"Wait! (Y/n)!" He shouted, but it was too late. She was long gone, only the soft rustling of leaves left behind.

Smiling to himself, Connor eagerly ran after her, the flowers hitting against his face and chest as he moved through the field, causing him to move his arms in front of his face to shield himself.

"(Y/n)?" He shouted again. "I hope you're aware that I was designed for chasing suspects! You don't stand a chance!"

Connor heard leaves rustling to his right, and quickly turned in that direction. Nothing. Or at least nothing he could see.

Where was (y/n)?

Another rustle, this time, behind his back.

Spinning on his heels, Connor turned around, only to be greeted with empty greenery once again.

"I know you're nearby! Show yourself!" He demanded, putting on his most convincing tone.

To no avail.

Biting his lip to not make any noises, Connor began pacing around, listening for sounds and any other possible clues of (y/n)'s location.

Until a pair of arms wrapped around his neck, as well as two legs around his abdomen. Someone had thrown themselves onto his back, Connor concluded as he quickly managed to find balance.

His first instinct was to shove his elbow into his attacker's stomach, however he was stopped by (y/n)'s childish laugh against the back of his neck.

"Looks like the suspect caught you instead, detective." She blurted out, giggles following her sentence.

And then he laughed. Not because the situation was particularly comedic, or because of her words, but because for just a moment, he had felt nothing but pure bliss. Maybe it was the warmth of (y/n) against his back, or the way she played pretend, but Connor forgot. Completely forgot about everything else during that short amount of time, focusing on nothing else but how wonderful it felt to give in to and enjoy (y/n)'s little game.

He felt her place something on his head, to which he gripped her legs and helped her get off his back, then reached up to his hair to inspect whatever she had put there.

Connor found himself holding a sunflower, its stem bent so that it would form a circle and clumsily tied behind the flower, forming something strikingly similar to a huge ring with the bloom as the jewel.

"What is this?" He asked, holding it out to (y/n), who wore a copy of that creation on her head.

"A flower crown." She answered, readjusting her own before taking Connor's out of his hands and tiptoeing to place it back on his head. "For the flower prince."

Connor smiled at her puerilely, lowering his head to allow her to adjust it.

"I thought I was a detective, and not a flower prince." He answered with a tinge of irony — something he had picked up from Hank.

(Y/n) only shook her head in amusement, brushing some of Connor's locks that had fallen out of his usual hairdo back into place.

"You can be both." She answered and took a step back to admire him. The Android noticed that her crown hung diagonally across her hair, some of the petals clumsily reaching just above her eyes.

"Really?" Connor asked and closed the distance between them, picking the crown up and correcting its position on the girl's head, a satisfied sigh slipping past his lips once he had done so. As he took his hands away, he couldn't resist taking a strand of her hair and twirling it between his fingers, admiring the texture, and the way she looked up at him through her lashes, a cheeky smirk on her lips.


Connor found himself lowering his face towards (y/n)'s, some of his black strands falling back out again and tickling her forehead. He could feel her soft, quick breath fan over his cheeks as he admired her. Soft skin, soft lips, soft hair—everything about her was so vulnerable and sensitive and human. Time seemed to be slowing down, nothing but himself and her and those clumsy, half-assed flower crowns on Connor's mind.

Until she reached her hand up and placed a finger on his nose. "Boop."

Blinking in confusion, Connor took a step back, only to realize that (y/n) was trotting back in the direction of his car.

"Where are you going?" He asked, catching up with her.

"Where do you want to go, flower detective?" She turned her head to look at him over her shoulder, then opened the car's door and plopped down on the passenger's seat.

"I..." Connor walked around the vehicle, settling down behind the steering wheel. "I don't know."

"Well, let's see. Tell me about your favorite spot."

He furrowed his brows, searching his mind for one. There was...well, there was the bridge Hank had pulled a gun on him once. They had continued visiting it often after that, but Connor wasn't sure if that counted. It wasn't neither a particularly fun, nor interesting place. Just...a bridge. Though that seemed to be the only option that came to mind. "I think I have one. Though I don't-"

"I'll follow you anywhere, flower detective." (Y/n) assured him with a sincere smile and a pat on his left shoulder. "Well, as long as it's not like...on another continent or something."

"It's a long drive." Connor explained.

"We've got nothing but time."

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