Almost over

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I walk in another class to see it was all 11th graders. They look at us in fear as I laughed and sat in the middle of them. I glare my blue eyes at the one beside me, seeing him shake. I smile as I heard.

" OK well going to play a guessing game for the rest of the period cause I don't want to do anything. "

He said as he sat in his chair behind his desk and fell asleep. I didn't want to play so I took out my phone while the 11th graders played along with Bi han. I scroll up and down my phone as some kid walks up to me, I look up to see Hanzo. I put my phone away and said.

" You in this class too "

" Yes but why are you here "

" Cause this is a junior class "

" Oh, so what is your house like "

" It's big "

I nod as I asked

" What's your parents like "

" Strict but they love me , they really don't want me hanging with anyone as they think something bad might happen to me "

" I never knew my parents but I don't care I'm Lin kuei "

I said as he says.

" Well ...bye "

" bye "

Then he walks off. I sit in my chair till the bell rang. I get up and walked out as it was lunch time. I walk the cafeteria and sat at one of the tables. I don't want to be with people but with the people I hang around with, as they wasn't here at the moment. Then I get hungry and got in line and grabbed what I wanted. I walk and sat back down and ate as Bi han sits beside me.

" What took you so long "

" I was trying not to hit Sonya in her face while she continues to yell at me "

He said as the threw a milk carton at Sonya's head. I laugh as she stomps over and slaps Bi Han in his face. She walks away as he was about to got up and go after here but I stopped him. I pull on his hood and pulled him back into his seat as I forced him to eat whatever this is. He sighs and just looks at his food.

" try it "

" This don't look right, you do it "

He said like he was afraid of the food. I groan as I picked up my fork and stabbed it into the piece of meat on my tray. I lift the meat up and took a bite from it. I put the meat back on the tray as I tried it, it wasn't that bad.

" It's fine "

" You sure "

Bi han said . I nod while he takes a bit from the meat. I watch as his face went blank and lifted his shoulders up.

"Hm , it isn't bad "

He said as I just stared at him.

" Who we got next after lunch "

I say as he pulls out his schedule . I watch as his smiles and looks at me. I stare at him confused as what could something to smile about.

" Why are you smiling "

" We have athletics Next "

He say as I smile as well. I like athletics, I'm very energetic and rough at sports. I sit till the bell rings as I got up and headed to the gym. While we was in the hallway heading to the gym, I look over to see Tomas talking some boy. I walk over to see who he was talking about. They continue to talk as they soon notice me walking over to them. They stopped and looked at me.

" Yo Tomas, who's your new friend "

" Dude it's Sektor "

" Oh, well then nevermind "

I say as I walked away as he was talking to was no one important. We walk in the gym to see a lot of 12th grader boys. We and on the court as the coach runs up to us.

" Welcome back boys! "

" Hey! "

The other boys say while I roll my eyes.

" Today were just gonna play Relay races "

The coach yells as the boys yell. I don't like to run, I barely do that in the Lin kuei training. I groan as I cross my hands.

" OK boys if you can to thing last Monday then you should know what to do "

The coach yells again as I already knew this and walked to the locker room. I walk to my locker and change out my clothes. I look down at my muscular body from years of training. I grab my athletic shirt and put it on till I noticed I was being watched. I turn around to see the boys staring at me.

" Do you guys mind! "

I yelled as one with black hair and dark green eyes said to me.

" Your so buff "

" I know "

I said as I put on my shorts. I put my clothes in my locker and slammed it closed, put my lock back on and walked out with my shoes. I really enter the gym and sat on the bleachers and but on my shoes. While I was putting on my shoes, Bi han walks up to me and yells.

" Kuai Liang! "

" What! "

" A girl likes you! "

"Oh really who "

I say as I wasn't amused at all. I'm glad that someone thinks I'm cute but we can't date, it's against Lin kuei rules to.

" Bi han, I can't date, I'm Lin kuei and Lin kuei  and date "

" Oh yeah, but we do it anyways "

He smiles as the rest of the boys walk in. I get up as the coach walks in and tells us to get in a line. We stand in a line as I was first and Bi han third. Then he splits us up in two groups. After he gets done, he lets the teams choose a team leader.

" I want to be team leader so shut up or I'll rip out your spine "

I say sternly then smile. I watch as my team nods in fear except Bi han.

" The game is simple, first team to tag or finish with all their runners wins! "

The coach yells. I glare at me team from the front of the line as was first to run.

" If any of you fuck this up, I'll beat the shit out of you "

I say then turned around as I get ready to run. Then the coach yells

" Get ready!... Set... Go! "

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