No project

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I walk to the Lin kuei temple as I hid me phone in my back pocket. I walk up to the gate to see the the guards. I walk to the temple as the grandmaster walks up to Tomas, Bi han, and I. We bow our heads and raise them, staring at the grandmastsr with respect.

" How was your boys first day at school "

" It was great grandmaster , we learned so much "

I said as I lied as I really didn't learn shit. He nods as Bi han said.

" Grandmaster, we had to do a project with our partners today , and I was partnered with a girl "

" What! You aren't supposed to date in our clan! "

" No master, I wouldn't disrespect our Lin kuei rule as the bit...i mean the lady is nothing to me "

Bi han said as he almost got his ass beat. The grandmaster stares at him, seeing Bi han sweat. Soon, the grandmaster turns and looks at Tomas.

" How was your day Tomas "

" Great, I'm won at a sport called boxing "

He said as he looked scared. The grandmaster looks at me and asked.

" Do you have to do the project to as well "

" Yes, I have to met up at his place at 5 so we can get started. "

I said as he said

" You 3 can walk in and get ready to leave as I want you to take a shower and change "

" Yes grandmaster "

We all said and bowed as the grandmaster walks back in. We lean up our head and smiled. We walk in as I looked at clock on my phone again.

" 4:43 "

I put away my phone and headed to my room which was down the hallway in the left. I head down the hall and walked in my room. I throw my bag in the corner of my room as I decided to take my shower. I walk in my bathroom and took off my school clothes and got in. 10 minutes later, I get out and dried myself out with my blue towel. I walk back in my bedroom and looked for something else to wear. I look at the time to see

" 4 : 57 "

" Shit "

I say as I rushed to find something as I decided just to wear a blue sweatshirt, black pants, and blue boots. I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket. I walk my room and headed out as I say Jade at the door. I walk over as she smiled and said.

" Oh hi does Tomas stay here "

" Yeah, Smoke! "

I yelled as we only be called by our code names but we say our real names when we're out. Soon Tomas walks up to us wearing a gray shirt and black bagged pants, and had his hair tied back. He walks up to Jade as he pushes me out the way.

" You ready to go Jade "

He said. She laughs seeing him blush. I roll my eyes as I walked passed them and headed out the door. I look down at the address as I don't know where that is.

" I don't even know where that shit is! "

I yelled. I take out my phone and used my GPS to show me. I looks as it says it's 3miles away. I groan as I started to run as I only got a minute. I run across the street, almost getting hit by a truck but I didn't care. As was a mile and a half away, stared to walk as I don't care if I was late, it's not school. I make it around the neighbor hood as I look in amazement at the huge houses.

" Wow he lives around here, I wonder which one is his "

I said to myself as I look at the paper as it had his house number on it. I continue to walk as I found it. I look in shock as how big his house was. It way bigger than the other houses in his neighborhood. I walk up to his house till some large dogs with spike chains around their neck. I jump back as they barked and tried to bite me. I stand there in fear till I heard someone whistle. The dogs stop and walked away. I look to see a lady who did and they walked up to her.

" Are you Kuai "

"Yes "

I say as two men walked up to me then I saw Hanzo. He smiles and says

" Sorry about the dogs "

" It's fine "

I say to him as men moved out the way as Hanzo welcomes me in his house. I walk in as I see maids everywhere. This place is bigger in the inside as they had two stair cases.

" My room is upstairs "

Then he walks upstairs was I heard some of the made giggle. I follow him into his very large room. He had a king sized bed but it looked bigger with a curtain thing around it. He sits on his bed and said.

" Do want to get started on it but it's up to you "

" I really don't have go but we have to "

I groan till some guy in a suit walks in.

" Do you need anything sir "

" I'm fine, Kuai you want anything "

" Um can I get a bottle of water "

" of course "

The guys said as he walks out.

" OK who are these people in your house "

" Oh the ladies are maids, they clean up the house, the tall men in the suits are my guards, and the guy who was in her awhile ago was my butler ,he does what I say "

He say as he leans half off the bed. Minutes later the Butler walks in and hands me my water.

" Thank you "

He nods and walks out the room.

" OK, what is this project we have to do "

" We have to make... A pie? "

" Are you serious "

I say as he hands us the paper. I read it and it actually said that . I smile and said

" Do you know how to make pie "

" No, do you "

" Nope, dang..we gonna fail "

I say as I leaned on a wall and sighed as I read that it was due tomorrow. He walks up to me and said.

" Do you want ask if my chef can fix us one or you want to to do it "

" Let the chef do it "

" OK "

He said as he grabbed my arm and we walked out his room and headed to his kitchen to which it looks like a regular kitchen with one chef.

" Chef, can you make me a.. pie "

" What kind "

The chef said.

" Key lime "

He nods as Hanzo looked at me. Damn, he's hot with his long black hair.. what! I shake the thoughts put my head. We head back to his room as he laid on his bed while I sat backwards in his chair.

" I guess we don't have to do our project as your chef can do it for us "

I chuckled as he leans up and takes off his shirt. I stare hard at his chest area. He looks better that way.. no!

" You can take off your shirt if your hot "

He said as he looked at me. I smiled and took off my sweatshirt.

" wow your very muscular "

" I know cause I work out and train like everyday "

I say as a got hungry. I wonder what if the food here is good.

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