I rather die

39 3 4

Kuai's POV

We run into the hospital as everyone looked at us. I nurse runs up us as the came with a bed.

" Help him "

That's all I could say as they take him away from me. I look back at them and said

" Thank you "

" That what's friends are for "

Tomas smiled. I smiled as doctor walks up to me and say

" We must get you medical attention "

" I don't need it, I'm fine "

" But sir "

"I don't need it! "

I yelled making everyone in the room stare at me. I sigh and said

" Just save friend , that all I'm asking "

The nurse nods and walks away. I look back at Tomas, Jade and my brother who looked at me in shock.

" You sure you're going to be OK "

" I don't care what happens to me as only is Hanzo is OK "

I say as they smiled at me. I glare back at them till Jade said

" Where are you guys going to say, the Lin kuei are after you "

" Don't know we'll figure out something as I need to confront Hanzo's parents "

" Why "

" If anything happens to him, I'm responsible for it as I'm already am. "

I sighed as I stood there as familar faces run in. I look as Hanzo's dad and mom run in as they were panicking. Bi han looks at them and say

" Is that them "

" Yeah "

" You don't have to do this I'll take blame "

" No smoke, it's my fault so I have to "

I said as I walked up to them. They looking me as Hanzo's mother say

" Are you alright! "

"   I'm fine "

" you're severely hurt "

" I deserve it as I put your son in danger "

I said as they look at me as the guards point they guns at me. Bi han noticed this and pointed guns at them.

" Shoot my brother and blow your heads off "

" Where is my son boy "

" He's getting medical attention as I don't need it "

I stare at them as they wanted to kill me then and there. I wasn't afraid of them as I was before. I watch as Hanzo's father step closer to me as I didn't do anything but stand there and  looked.

" My son better make or I'll kill you "

" I rather die if something happens to him even if you kill me "

I say sternly as his father looks at me in shock.

" It was my fault that my clan did this to him as I blame everything on me , as my clan is after me , my friends, and brother. They didn't take part of it as I was the only one who did. So kill me now see if I care worth a damn  "

Said as I waited for them to kill me as they just looked at me. I watch as the older man takes out his gun and pointed to my head. I walked closer, putting the gun on my forehead as I didn't care.

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