Day 1 over

44 3 0

I take off running in a full sprint as I try to catch the other dude as I was wasn't that far from him. I make it around as I pass it to Bi han and sat down and stared at the others. I want to go home but I have to wait till the bell rings.

" Hey remember! If we lose, I will kill every single one of you! "

I say as the look at me in fear. I slowly nod as another runner goes while Bi han sat by me.

" This game is fun! "

" You're just running in a square! "

" I know but I needed had this much fun since we pulled a prank on the headmaster and blamed it on Hydro "

Bi Han laughs. I sigh as I watch as my team look bad till one run runner , our last runner runs and catches the other dude quick.

" Blue team wins! "

The coach yells as my team cheer but they should be glad they don't get their ass beat.

" I guess we and play a game of team football "

The coach says as the whole gym got loud. I like football as I played it with my friends when we was younger.

" Get with a partner! "

The coach yells as everyone partners up as I already had a partner.

" Want to be my... "

" Yes Bi han "

I said as he smiles. We walk up to the other side of the gym as our opponent walks on the other side. The coach hands us a football and says

" The team with the football has to make it the other side without getting tackled "

Then he hands us some amor.

" We good "

" but you have to where it for the game "

" we good coach "

I said as he hands amor to the other team. I don't need amor as we don't wear amor when we fight in the Lin kuei. I walk over to Bi han as he stared at the other team smiling.

" You want to run with the ball "

" Nah, I just want to tackled them "

And that gave me an idea. I turned at him and said quietly making sure the others couldn't hear.

" OK hers who it's going to go, I'll run as you run and tackle them out my way "

" Can I go first then you go "

" Whatever "

I say as he smiles and looks away from me.

" Go "

The coach says then blows on the whistle as the team ran at us. Bi han respond by running and tackling them hard to the ground then flip back on his feet. I smile as I just walked to the other side with ease while the other team lay there in pain. I make it the other side and just dropped the ball on the ground. I look at the others as they stare at us in shock.

" Next! "

Then another walks up to us as they had the ball this time. I we had to do was tackle them and grab the ball before it falls on the ground.

" Bi han "

"Huh "

" remember tackle them but make sure the ball doesn't it the ground "

He nods as we stare at the other team.

" Go! "

The coach says again as the other team ran as we did the same. Then they stop running as Bi Han tackled one as I take the one with the ball I tackled him. He falls as I flip and grab the football in mid air. I land on my knee and threw it to Bi han who catches it and runs to the other side and slams the ball on the ground. The rest of the game was east as we were just running, walking, tackling, flipping, and dropping the ball on the ground. By the end of it, everyone was on the ground but me  and bi han. We stare at them as we kinda took it too far.

" OK boys! It's about time to go so head to your lockers and put back on you clothes. "

The coach says as the others get up off the ground, groaning in pain. I head to my locker, not helping the others. I quickly put on my clothes and walked out and sat on the bleachers. I take out my phone as the others come out limping or dragging themselves out. They all sit on the bleachers talking to each other as one taps me on my shoulder.

" What! "

" How strong are you "

" Strong enough to kick you ass now leave me alone! "

I said coldly and went back to looking on my phone. We sit here till the bell rings for us to go home.

" Hooray! "

Bi han yells as we walk out , well was about to, the coach yells at us. We turn around as the coach walks up to me and Bi han with a stern face. We stare at him as we were in trouble. He was now in front of us. He smiles and say.

" You two are great! Would you join my football team "

" Sure! "

Bi han said with a smile. He must really like the sport, me I don't know. I look at him and said

" Sure why not "

"great ! Practice starts next week at 4 to 6 "

" OK "

I say as I walk out the gym. I stand outside as everyone was getting on the bus or their parents picking them up. I wait for Bi han as he had to go to the restroom. I look at my clock on my phone.

" 3: 36 "

I say as I had to go to Hanzo's place at 5 for some project we have to do as he gave me his address. I look to see Tomas and Bi han walking up to me.

" I got 24 minutes till I have to met bitch ass Sonya at her place for our fucking project "

Bi han complained as Tomas was in a good mood.

" Why you happy Tomas "

" Cause I'm going to Jade's house for our project "

He said. I don't think he and her should work together as Tomas might do more than work on the project with Jade. I didn't want to say that to him as it was rude.

" OK bros let's go home "

I say as they nod and walked to the Lin kuei temple.

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