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Bi han's POV

After 3rd and 4th period, we head to the cafeteria to eat lunch as they had pizza and hot dogs. I get the pizza along with corn and pie. I walk over to the table with my new friends that I met today. I sit beside Kuai and Kitana.

"I heard you two made the football team "

" Yep "

" As we are the cheerleaders "

" Oh no "

I say as the girls got upset at me. I smiled as they continue to yell at me as I didn't give not a damn. They soon stopped as Kuai said.

" So what are you girls doing in cheerleading besides cheering and yelling at us "

" you sing and dance and some other shit "

Milena said as she text away on her phone. I glare over to Kuai and whispered.

" Why didn't you kiss him, you were so close "

" I'm not gonna kiss him "

" But that hug was legendary son, you should of grab that ass "

" Get away from me "

He said as he pushes my head away. I laugh as everyone at the table looks at us, wondering what we were talking about.

" What was you tow talking about "

" None of your business "

Kuai said as he takes out phone and looked on friendships .

" Tell us or well not be your friends "

" Bye "

I said as Tanya tries to attack me from across the table but Skarlet and Jade held onto her.

" Can you please tell us what you two were talking about "

" You bitches are nosy as fuck "

" I'm not! So shut your upside down hill on top on your head ass up. "

Mileena yelled as she stabbed the fork she had into the table, breaking part of the table. We all flinch as Just said

" Sorry Mileena "

" Yeah "

She said upset as he should watch out if he wants an ass beat. Soon the bell rings as we get up as me and Kuai head to athletics. We walk to the hallways headed to the gym, we stop as a boy in a purple shirt walks up to us.

" Is one of you name Bi han "

" That's me "

I said as he smiles and asked

" Um...the coach wants me to challenge you a game of tackle "

" OK "

I smiled as I knew I was going to bulldoze him to the ground. He nods and head into the gym as we follow him in and we see everyone staring at us. The coach walks up to me and say

" I want you to challenge Zane . "

" OK "

I say as he gives me a dark blue jersey with the number 3 on it. I walk to the back and changed and came back out. I look to see the girls and boys in the bleachers sitting down watching.

" What in the hell "

I say as Zane walks up to me in a purple Jersey. We walks up to me and say

" You ready "

" What are we doing "

" I football game to see who's the best tackler "

" OK "

I say as he walks away and head to the other end of the gym. I walk to the other side ask heard someone yell.

" Go bi han! "

It was Kitana. I ignore her and focused what I was supposed to be doing. The coach walks in the middle of the gym and yelled.

" This will determind to see if one of you has a stronger chance to make it to A team "

I roll my eyes as he continued

" I will but the ball in the middle line as you two will try to run and tackle each other and try to grab the ball. This is only one round so go hard! "

He yelled as he puts the football in the middle line and walks out of the way. I glare over to the purple Jersey kid as he smirks at me.

" Ready! Set ! .....Go! "

Then I ran as he did the same as everyone was cheering and yelling as I went hard and tackled Zane hard to the ground he falls as I ran to get the ball but to get tackled from behind. I turn around to see Zane smiling at me. I growl as I flip onto my feet and went to tackle him again. He grunts as I get up and grab the ball, hearing everyone cheer. I smile as Zane gets up and smiles at me and said

" Sang you're strong but good job "

" thanks "

I smiled as we gave him a hand shake and walked to change back into my clothes . I head over to my locker as I take off my shirt till I get pushed to the wall. I growl as I turned around to see Zane smiling at me.

" The hell man "

He didn't say anything but to smash his lips on mine. I quickly push away and yelled.

" The fuck is wrong with you! I'm not gay! "

" So I don't care as I'm a college student but I was invited here by the coach to test you "

" But why you kiss me you ass! "

" Cause I think you're cute "

" Well thank you but still ! The fuck is wrong with you! "

I say as I pushed him away as he chucked and walked up to me. I was about to punch him till he grabbed my arms. I try to pull my arms away from him but he was strong as fuck.

" I know you're Lin kuei as am I "

" I never seen you around "

" I'm the one called Phoenix "

" I remember you you that one who's undefeated in combat "

He nods as he let's go and walked out and said.

" See ya Bi han "

And he walks out as I changed back into my clothes. I walk out as Kuai walked up to me and said.

" Good job buddy "

" Thanks bro "

I smiled as he said.

" Wanna play football with me "

" Nah I'm good as I'll crush your rips how hard I tackle "

" true true "

He smiled as Zane walks passed us and laid

" Bye dude, bye Kuai "

He walks out as Kuai looks at him and shocked and was about to asked as Zane already left.

" He's in the Lin kuei like we are "

" Cool "

Then the bell rang for us to go home as Kuei said.

" Can you tell the grandmaster that I'm going to Hanzo's house again "

" Aww "

I said as he punches me in the shoulder.

" OK OK "

" Thanks bro "

He said as we walk outside and watched him walk away. I smiled and yelled.

" Run to him Kuai! Run! "

I yell as he didn't look back but to stick his hand up and flip me off.

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