Punishment pt 2

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An hour into the movie and Tomas and Bi Han still haven't move from their spots , are they really that scared . I just look at them smiling as they both flipped me off as Hanzo saw and glared at them making the two idiots move further into the corner. I look away as I looked down to see thar all the popcorn was gone.

" I swear the bowl was still full ? "

Then i looked over to Hanzo who was holding half of the popcorn either in his hands and mouth . I lean over yo grab the popcorn that was in his hands but he moved his hands away and shook his head . I groan as i lean further onto him as he moved his hands further away . I was getting irritated so I launched myself fully on him and gripped his hands then took some of the popcorn as he growled and fought back but failed miserably. I then leaned off of him and ate the popcorn as he walked out then came back holding a whip. Me , Bi Han , and Tomas looked in fear as he was glaring at us . He walked up to me but I quickly moved away from him as he backed me into the same corner Bi Han and Tomas was in . Hanzo slashed the whip on the floor in front of us making us as Bi Han said.

" The hell is wrong with you ?! "

Only to get slashed dead in his cheek by the whip . Bi Han winced and held his burning cheek as Hanzo said in cold voice.

" You all had your fun so it's mine turn "

" But didn't you lo- "

Tomas was saying but to get slashed in his face too. I just stayed quiet as Hanzo walked away , turning his back form us as Bi Han thought it was a good idea with his dumbass to flip Hanzo off . Bi Han smiled at this but to have his neck wrapped around tightly with the whip. Hanzo glared at Bi Han as pulled harder , choking Bi Han as Hanzo asked .

" Did you really think I'm fucking stupid ! Did you ?! "

Hanzo then launch his foot on Bi Han's chest making his back hit the wall. I look over to Tomas who like he was about to bust out crying or some shit . Hanzo continue to yell at my brother till Bi Han finally yelled .

" No ! Im sorry ! "

Hanzo chuckled as he removed his foot and the whip from his neck . Bi Han let out a gasp as he tried to get air . Hanzo then looked at me and Tomas and demanded.

" You fix me some popcorn , and you will be my foot rester "

" Why do i have-"

I mumbled but Hanzo heard it and slapped me with his bare hands. I whined as we both got up and Hanzo shoves the empty bowl into Tomas's chest as Tomas walked off as i walked over to the edge of the bed and got on my hands and knees . I look up to see Hanzo walking over to my with something blue. He bends down in front of me as i saw the blue thing clearly , a collar . He giggled and puts the collar on my neck and said cheerfully.

" It's look so cute on you Kuai "

I smile awkwardly as Hanzo stood up as Bi Han walked out the bathroom in a dress . That shit looked so fucking funny that I couldn't help but to laugh then yelped when Hanzo's spanks me . For some odd reason I wanted him to do it again or i want to do it right back to him . Tomas walks back in holds in a laugh seeing Bi Han in a dress . Hanzo walks over and puts a gray collar on Tomas then told him to sit in a corner until he's needed . Hanzo then walks over on the bed holding the bowl of popcorn. He sits on the edge of the bed as he placed his feet on my back . I groan at this as Hanzo looked down at me and asked.

" What was that Kuai ? "

" O-oh nothing "

I lied as Hanzo looked at me for 20 seconds then looked away as he put on a movie . This torture continued for 4 hours till he was satsified. Hanzo then gets up from off the bed and walked over to Tomas and took off the collar but before he did he said.

" What are you supposed to do Tomas ? "

Tomas gulped hard as he started making cat noises . Hanzo smiled as he took off the collar . Then Hanzo walked over to me and expect me to do something but i refuse as he leaned down into my ear and whispered.

" Have it you away but I can always lock you up outside , chained to a pole and let me dogs hurt you "

I instantly started barking and whining. Hanzo smiled and took off the collar . I look back to see him walked over to Bi Han who was now in a large blue ball dress , a tiera , and makeup on . Hanzo stood at Bi Han and said .

" Say it "

" No "

Then Hanzo slashed him with the whips ad Bi Han sighed and said in a feminine voice .

" Oh please my king let me serve you and please your needs...even if you was supposed to saying these to Kuai "

Hanzo rolled his eyes and said .

" Forget it , you will serve me for the rest of week , now you may leave or do whatever . "

Then he walked out again then returned. I get up as Tomas got out the corner . I popped my back as Tomas rubbed his arms that has red slashes on them. We all got hit more than 20 times but since of my previous injured , Hanzo didn't hit me as hard or hit me in my injured places . Hanzo then sat on my bed as Tomas looked at I'm and asked .

" The hell was all that for ? "

" For you guys for saying that me and Kuai are a thing and say things about us doing innopropiate ( I spelled it wrong didn't i ? ) things . "

Hanzo said as i said .

" But i didn't do anything "

" Yes you did , when you stole the popcorn from me "

I sigh as Bi Han was out the dress and make up and was clearly pissed . Hanzo smiled as Bi Han said.

" I hope you know I'm sueing you "

" How ? Everytime my family is sued for anything we always plead innocent "

Bi Han snarled as he said.

" Kuai get him or I'll actually hurt him "

" Hanzo , I hope that was the final time you'll being that to us cause we didn't like it at all "

Hanzo looked down and said

" No "

I glad and said.

" Hanzo you could had really hurt one of us , do you have any shame in what you did ? "

Hanzo just looked at me and then frowned as he said .

" I'm sorry it's just im sick and tired of all the rumors and words saying that you and I are dating that it just drove me . I didn't want to hurt any of you physically just mentally. "

" Why mentally ? "

" Cause you all hurt me mentally but I didn't show it cause I'm scared that I'll end up like i was 2 years ago "

Hanzo then looked down on the bed as we shared looks of worried and concern . I look back at him and asked .

" What happened to you in 2 years ago "

" He was going through depression "

Someone else said as we all turn around to see Sareena the maid . She walks in as she says .

" Hanzo , you mother needs you "

Hanzo gets out the bed and walks out.  We all look at Sareena who said .

"  He was through dep cause of ehat happen in the 9th grade "

" We would be in the 10th grade "

Bi han said as he said with a bit of shock . Tomas and I just looked at him as I said.

" No shit "

Bi Han rolled his eyes as Sareena told us what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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