Finn・Say It Right

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Summary: You and Finn broke up 3 weeks ago and meet at a public party.

Song: Say it Right - by Nelly Furtado (Bass Boosted)

I had Sophia and Wyatt over and we were thinking on going to a public party that's down the street.

I agreed on going, cause I wanted to do something that'll boost up my mood and help remove Finn off of my mind after our break up that was 3 weeks ago. It was a pretty hard break up, but I think I'm better off without him, at least that's what Sophia and Wyatt say.

We were all ready.

Now we're on our way to the party. "We're gonna have so much fun tonight!" Sophia squeals "Hell yeah!" Wyatt exclaims, I smiled and nodded.


We reached the house and the music was boosting so loud, I'm confused on how the windows didn't break?

We entered the house and I can smell sweat, liquor, sexual tension... There was colorful lights moving around from the party lights. The house was jammed up with people; it's a public party so it's understandable.

Sophia, Wyatt and I wanted to go grab some drinks from the kitchen, we had to squeeze our selfs through the crowd to get to the kitchen. We made it to the kitchen, I got a drink and so did Sophia and Wyatt.

I wasn't really aiming on getting "Drunk" tonight but I still wanted to drink to have what Sophia and Wyatt call a "Good night".

I took a sip of my drink and I could feel the alcohol burning down my throat (I don't drink and never want to, so Idk how it tastes or feels like to drink, but people tell me that it burns when you drink so ya- Narrator)

I turn my face to see Wyatt checking out a girl, "So, that girl catches your eyes huh?" I tease.

 "Umm...yeah, she's kinda hot." Wyatt blushes 

"Welp, if she's "hot" then go talk to her." Sophia suggests Wyatt. 

"Umm.. you think so?" 

"Yeah go. We'll be right here." I reassured him. 

"Ok, I'll go." Wyatt says cheered. 

"Go get her tiger!" I put my hand on Wyatts back as he starts walking the direction of the girl.

"Tell us everything after!" Sophia yells to Wyatt, Wyatt gives Sophia thumbs up and walks to the girl's direction.

Wyatt didn't get slapped by her yet which means their conversation is going well, lol.

"Y/n, let's go dance and have fun." Sophia tells me, 

"Yeah let's go."

We start moving into the crowd of dancing people, Sophia and I start dancing and enjoying the moment.


After a while I felt like using the restroom so I told Sophia who was now AlSo checking out a dude, that I'm going to go use the bathroom, she nodded. As I was walking to the bathroom I saw Wyatt making out with the girl that he was checking out, Already?! 

I walked past them and found the bathroom.

Beside the bathroom I saw a couple making out, the were going hardd. The guy had wild curly dark hair and I immediately thought of Finn.

The guy moved slightly, now that I could see his face features and it was him...Finn. I felt broken, sad, happy, annoyed, jealous... I didn't know what I was feeling, mixed feelings hit me hard like a brick wall.

・゚: *✧・゚:* Finn Wolfhard Imagine *:・゚✧*:・゚Where stories live. Discover now