Mike + Richie・Heartbroken💔

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Summery: You wanted to go surprise Mike with a thank you gift the day before his birthday, but you found him with someone else.

Song: I love you - by Billie Eilish

It was the day before Mike's birthday, and I made him a journal full of pictures and memories of him and I in the past 3 months of us dating. He made me so happy in those months I felt like I finally found the love of my life, that I've been always waiting and searching for.

I wrapped up the small book of collected memories in white wrapping paper. I secured the folded parts with clear tape, then I added a small bow on the top to make it more presentable. I took a small card and wrote my name and a "Happy Birthday Mikey!" on it in order for Mike to know that the gift is from me, then stuck it on the white paper.

I swung my jacket over my shoulders, slid my hands threw the sleeves, and attempted to walk to Mike's house excited to hand him his surprise birthday gift that I worked on for a whole month.

There I stood ahead of Mike's house as the gloomy skies seemed to rain, so I had to be quick before it actually rains and ruins Mikey's present.

I looked over their garage and it was empty, guess his parents aren't here so he might be alone... I hope. I walked over to the door step and placed my hand on the coppered door handle and prayed the door would be open. There, the entrance of the house opened smoothly revealing the interior of the house.

A smile formed on my lips now that I'm sure that my love is here, since he'd usually leave the door of the house open when he's alone.

I climbed up the staircase as calmly and gently as I could so I can avoid any creaking or sounds that'd make him suspect that someone's here.

Now that I made it to the second level of the house successfully I went down on my knees and began crawling down the hallway to Mike's room.

As I got closer to his room I could hear muffled female giggles, it startled me but I brushed the noise away. I stayed frozen when the giggles were more audible when I was standing in front of his room door, sounds of lips smacking were present too.

I hovered closer to the door as in for me to open it and give Mike his birthday present. The door was open in slight ajar, my eyes peaked through, and there I saw something I never wanted to see in my entire life. The boy that I loved all these months was laying over a girl that I've never seen before, pecking her skin and lips. The sight dropped my heart then broke it into tiny bits. I closed my eyes just wishing that what I saw isn't true and it's just my brain playing games with me. However, when I looked again, it was just the same. 

I stood up on my feet and started running back down then outside the house. My head dropped to the ground, my vision began to blur, my breathing was heavy and unsteady, I just can't believe what I saw, Mike's cheating on me. 

Pushing the door of the house and exiting, I wanted to run as far as I could away from him, but my vision was way to blurry and my body was way too tired to collaborate with me. Therefore I just sat down on the last step on their porch. 

Tears falling rapidly from my eyes like a waterfall, I bought my hands up to my face and cupped it as my knees were bought up to my chest. I was so hurt, I felt heartbroken.

Sitting outside in the gloomy afternoon, clouds started to thicken, sooner than I knew it, rain was hitting my scalp, it started to pour outside, but I didn't care, I was too hurt to move or even lift my head up to check what's going on. 

Mike's gift was placed beside me, the wrapping paper was tearing apart from all the water it absorbed making it all soggy and moist. Why should I care if it get's missed up, I mean Mike wouldn't give a shit about what I made for him!

All I could hear was the sound of my crying and the hard rain hitting the cement ground. I felt miserable. 

What did I do? Am I just not good enough? Why'd he do that to me? I fucking hate my life! 

"Y/n?" I heard someone over me calling my name, I lifted my head up instantly to see who it was. It was Richie, Mike's twin standing over me, "Are you ok?" He asked then sat next to me on the damp porch step due to the pouring rain."Y-yeah, I'm ok." I spoke stutteringly as sobs escaped my mouth, I looked down not wanting to make contact with Richie. A soft huff exited from Richie, as I see him from the corner of my eye grabbing the book I made for his brother.

"Is it Mike? What did that piece of shit do?" He questioned.

"N-nothing happened Rich, it's that I-I fell walking down the stairs." I tried covering up on what actually happened.

"Come on y/n you can trust me." he placed a hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

Richie's POV

I watched her as she lifted her head, her bloodshot eyes made contact with mine, she have been crying for a long while. "Tell me what happened." I spoke softly.

"I wanted to give Mike his birthday present that I've been working on for a whole month, but as soon as I wanted to surprise him, he was laying there exchanging spit with another bitch!" Y/n spoke as more tears rolled down her eyes, I pulled her closer to me and tried calming her down. I skimmed through the pages of the book y/n made for Mike. A lump formed in my throat when I saw the sentences she wrote beside each picture of her and Mike she stuck on the book, she really did love him, and now she's heartbroken by my own brother, I truly feel ashamed and bad.

"Wow y/n this's really sweet of you to make for Mike, I mean I can tell you've worked so hard on it, but that ugly mushroom head doesn't deserve you. You shouldn't be treated like this, and I don't care if he's my twin! A sweet hearted girl like you, should never be treated like this by any man in this cruel world." I heard as a small chuckle escaping her lips, causing a smile to form on mine.

"Thank you Richie." She looked at me with her hurtful eyes but a smile was able to twinkle on her red lips. 

"Don't worry y/n, I'm always here for you." I brought her cold body closer to me, wrapping my arm around her and placing a soft kiss on her wet forehead. 

We sat there under the cold rain in a warm embrace.

- Kinda a vent, but aye been a minute 💀

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