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Summary: Finn is your internet best friend and you guys finally meet.

- This is NOT a completion for the Imagine 'Duo' so don't get confused, yeEt, enjoy :)

Song: Miss you - by Gabrielle Aplin

Today is such an exciting and important day to me, today's the day I'll be meeting my Internet best friend, Finn Wolfhard, in real life!

I will actually be able to hug him and talk to him without a screen separating us.


Finn and I have been friends for a year now and we finally decided on meeting each other!

We met through playing fortnite, and ever since that day we clicked so well.

I put on some clothes and got ready.

We were meeting up at a train station at 4:00 pm since Finn traveled all the way from Vancouver to y/h/t (your home town) just to see me, he's so cute!

The time now is 3:00 pm, so an hour and I'll be seeing Finn! Whoop! whoop!

My mom decided that we'd go eat at y/f/r to fill up the time and so it can past faster.

I got in the car and we headed to y/f/r.


Today's the day, today's finally the day. I'm seeing her and she's seeing me, in real life this time.

I feel beyond excited, I feel exhilarated!

Nick, mom, dad and I are in an airplane now on our way to y/n's home town.

After landing which will be around 3:00 pm, we'll be going on a train taking us to y/n's city, which we will hopefully reach at 4:00, and I'll see my best friend!

Sitting down on the uncomfortable airplane seat just thinking of the girl who I'll be seeing soon makes me smile wider than a kid getting lots of presents for their birthday.

I closed my eyes and attempted to take a nap storing energy for meeting my girl.


We landed safely.

We got our tickets checked and got comfortable on the leather chairs of the train.

"Excited dude?" Nick asks me.

"He'll yeah dude!" I say making Nick and I chuckle.

"You're finally meeting your "Best friend"" Nick mocks.

"Oh Shut up." I nudged him jokingly.


My mom and I are sitting on one of the benches in the train station waiting for Finn's arrival.

I take out my phone and check the time, 3:55, Finn should arrive in 5 mins.

Those 5 mins are taking longer than ever!



"Here we are brother, you ready?" Nick sends me a soft smile, I nod smiling back.

We stood up from our sitting position, I take out my earphones and place them in my bag.

The train takes a stop, after a few seconds a hint of wind entered the train, the doors opened.


"I guess that's their train honey." My mom says, my head shot up, I search for the train's number, "20813,  20813, 20813." I mumble under my breath.

I found the number of the train on it's side, "20813! THAT'S FINN'S TRAIN!" I jump enthusiastically.

I stand on the tip of my toes looking for Finn through the big number of people going off board.

I gulp worriedly thinking that I wouldn't see him, but I tried to keep my hopes up, I kept on looking for him.


We were going off board from the train many people following our actions.

When my foot touched the asphalt ground of the station I started looking for y/n.

Pushing people away trying to find a sign of her...

I finally look to my right and saw her, standing there in the distance, on the tip of her toes doing the same actions I was doing before, a genuine smile spreads on my lips.


I finally catch a glimpse of of curly hair, we make eye contact, and his eyes filled with delight.

He drops his bangs and he starts making his way towards me. I immediately tried to push between the crowd to reach him.

We eventually reached he wrapped his arms around me squeezing me into a warm embrace, I wrap my arms around him squeezing him as well.

As we are hugging we were rotating and he would raise me up from the ground by a bit and put me down again.

We lastly pull away from the embrace that felt like he had his arms wrapped around me for ages, and stare into each others eyes. My eyes start to water tears of joy.

"Finally, we meet y/n, finally!" Finn says looking into my eyes smiling, I nod and pull him back into a hug.

- The hunting song is dedicated to @brittxx04 and I. plus I WANT TO SEE YOU IRL GIRLY!😩💖💞💗

- I had this drafted for a long time, procrastination is a vEry go0d thing.....

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