Part 5

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 I walked out of the library, satisfied that i had found an answer. I walked down the hall realizing it was almost lunch time and I was starving! But what if you go to the great hall and they remember what it said? What am I thinking of course they remember it! I sighed deciding to go back to the Ravenclaw commen room I walked up the stair case still sucked into my thoughts. That I didn't realize the marauders walk up to me till they pushed me to the ground. I landed on my bum with a loud thud.

Oh no! James is going to be mad because I escaped the other times! That means they'll all be mad. Swiftly Remus grabbed my wand and threw it behind him.

"No getting away this time!" Peter declaired I crawled back a bit. Sirius came behind me well Peter took possition by my left and Remus on the right. Their no getting out of this one Carolett.

"So that diary of yours was pretty intresting." James said. I gulped I was shaking and liquid filled my eyes.

"oh what was that line 'sometimes I feel like a pencil in a stack of pens'" He said mimicking my voice, which made them all howl in laughter. I whimpered, this was the first time i didn't try too hide my emotions.

"why cant you just leave me alone?" I whispered, my voice was shakie.

"So the muted freak decides to talk now," Sirius sneered well kicking my back they all started laughing. They all started kicking me. I tried to protect my head but it was impossible because there were feet flying at me from all four angles. Soon they stopped and I looked above me. I could feel warm tears trickiling down my cheeks. I sniffed and before I knew it I was crying. Trying to wipe my tears away but If i wiped one two more would come to take its spot. I looked behind,infront, left, and right I didn't see people anymore I saw monsters that wanted to give me a slow death.

"Aw is little Mrs.Freaky sad?" James said in a baby voice they holared in laughter more tears came down.

"just get away from me" i whispered voice trembling

James forced my chin up so I had to make eye contact with him. He could see fear im my eyes.

"Make me." he breathed

"Just get away from me!" I screamed they looked at me in shock but i used this as a chance I shot up my body aching from the bruises that the marauders had given me. I ran and grabbed my wand and ran as fast as I could I could hear them on my heels. "Whats yours but other people use it more than you" The portrait asked "your name" I said quickly sliding threw the door. The door closed just in time!They wouldnt be able to get that riddle! either way I ran up to my dorm and sat on my bed i looked under it to see a small silver box that I had kept their since first year. I unlocked the box to see a stack of pictures and nice words I looked threw them and saw a picture with my family. I quickly shoved the picture back into the box and locked it and slid it under my bed.I looked at my self. This was the worst beating session all year but I was too scared to go outside the Ravenclaw tower so I healed myself and slept.


I got up and walked towards the Ravenclaw tower I saw the Mauraders waiting for me. I stopped in my tracks and tried to walk the other way but I felt stuck in place. Now they were next to me all taking a position around me Sirius was in front of me my eyes pleaded for him to let me go but of course he didn't.

"Why arent you talking you muted freak?" He asked slapping me

"you didnt ask me anything." I said trembling and I slowly scooted my self back wards I ran into James i spun around to face him.He smirked and punched me in the stomach so I fell down.

"why did you even come to Hogwarts you can barley cast a levitation spell." Sirius snickerd I backed to my i just endin up in me running into Remus. He didnt say anything and punched me in the jaw. then the scenery changed and I was infront of the whole school Dumbledore infront of me.

"Carolett Rachel you are here by expelled from Hogwarts." Dumbledore spoke firmly

I woke up gasping for air......

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