Chapter 37

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I heard a knock on a door it was all fuzzy. 

“Coming!” I heard a voice that was very fimiliar yell. I heard the door open.

”Minister?” The voice from before asks

”Ah Mrs.Black we have come to inform you that you are requested at Mr. Sirius Orion Blacks trial as a family vouch.” The person that I assumed to be the minister said

”trial? For what?” The voice asked and the vision turns into darkness.

 My eyes flutter open. I look to see that I’m in the common room. YES FOR ONCE NOT IN THE BLOODY HOSPITAL WING! I silently cheered. I got off the floor and rubbed my head. 

“Ow.” I muttered grumpy. I went to the boys dorm. I creaked  the door open to see them asleep. Oh this is gonna be fun. I closed the door gently and put a silenceing charm around the room so we didn’t annoy anyone. A smirk slid on my lips as I screamed at the top of my lungs “WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS!” They all bolted up and James ended up knocking  his head on his head bored.

”ow.” He muttered we all laughed 

“now that’s fun!” I said sounding like a 5 year old who’s mom just gave them a lollipop.

”why did you wake us up…” Remus asked trailing off as he looked at me.

”what happened? You look like you just saw a ghost.” Remus said

”Wait how did you get in here why is no one screaming at us cause you screamed?” Sirius asked

”what time is it?” James asked

”6:15.” I replied

”WAIT WHAT? I NEED TO GET TO DETENTION IT STARTED AT 6!” James exclaimed getting out of his bed and out of the door

”why were you sleeping?” I asked ”full moon? “  I asked again they nodded.

”and also did I tell James it’s 6:15 I meant—“ I began and I was cut off by James slamming the door after he walked in

”sorry.” I told James

” I’m gonna murder you one day.” He scowled

”you love me to much”

”no I don’t.”

”whatever helps you sleep at night.” I shrugged and he pouted not having anything to reply with.

I smirked before Peter said "why are you here though?". "Well even I don't know. I just don't feel like going to the ravenclaw common room" I said. "That makes sense" Peter said. I just shrugged and sat down on a random bed. "Hey that's my bed!" Sirus complained. "So!" I said. He opened his mouth to say something but closed his mouth having nothing.

I rolled my eyes and stared at them. "So... How long was I out?" I asked. "Umm.. well let's see." James said stalling. "A week" Remus said bluntly. "A-a w-week!" I stuttered. Remus nodded. "I have so much work to make up!" I said standing up and pacing. "No you don't." Peter said making me look at him. "What?" I asked. "He means classes were cancelled this week because we need to repair damage to the castle" James said making my head snapped twords him. 

"Then how did you land detention" I said. "He threw a brick at someone" Remus said. "Remus stop selling us out" Sirius complained. I giggled at that. Wait giggled? No I don't giggle. "Hey guys if I fall to the ground don't take me to the hospital wing" I said before falling to the ground stiff. My vision blurred and everything blackened. An image started again.

" how do you plead your case!" Someone yelled.

"It wasn't me!" I heard someone yell. I know this voice! But I can't place my finger on it. "!" THe person yelled.

"Yes minister?" I heard a female say. 

"How do you plead your husband's case?" The minister? Asked.

"Sir Sirius felt the protection spell go off and as did I. Before I could stop him he took off. My husband was with me the whole day and night. It wasn't him I swear" the female said.

"Well all evidence points to him killing thirteen muggles, his friend, and James and Lily" another lady's voice came. 

"Sir I trust you my husband is innocent" I said.

"There's no evidence for that so from this day forward **** black is sent to Azkaban for life!" The minister? Yelled. 

"No sir please!" The first lady yelled.

i sat up the voices fading away. These are happening to often. Wait James and Lily? No that can't be right! Can it? I saw the Marauder's surrounding me looking at me confused. "What?" I asked.

"Carolett what do you mean what!" Sirius said. I looked at them confused and James looked like he was hit by a truck.

"I mean I don't know why James looks like he was hit by a truck and your all ghost white" I said.

"Carolett you screamed "he didn't kill Lily and James" and "my husband is innocent"" Remus said. I pailed at that. I yelled that! Oh God! After that I blacked out into a blackness of nothing.

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