Chapter 33

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 I woke up once again in the bloody hopital wing. GREAT! I looked up to see the Mauraders.

"Carolett!" Remus exclaimed, 

"Wheres Lily? I have to make things right what if one of us dies?" I said shivering at the thought. James rushed out of the hospital wing and brought Lily back with him.

"Carolett! Im sorry about what I did it was wrong forgive me?" She asked hopeful and I nodded I got up and hugged her

"You know we may not be blood but were still sisters, Petunia is still my sister so are you." I whispered to her still hugging her tightly.

"Why are we here we should be pranking or something, for all we know we could be dead by tomorrow!" I exclaimed and Sirius face palmed Peter just looked at me, Remus looked at me with utter shock and James just rubbed his forehead smiling. Lily left because she said she needed to do home work and we walked out a few minutes later. I got stares from everyone some with pure hate and disgust others with sympathy. I sighed and let my head drop with guilt. We walked to the great hall and I ended up sitting with the boys at the Gryffindor table. I heard people say thing like

"We should have just given her to them!" or "shes selfish, she let others die for her!" I sighed and looked at my food and ate slowly. They were right I was selfish, I should have given myself up. I had a tap on my shoulder I turned to see Proffeser Slughorn.

"Carolett please follow me I need to talk to you." He said and I got up and shrugged at the Mauraders. I followed him to his office and he closed his door. Suddenly his hand was over my mouth and he held my hands behind my back. I tried to scream but it was muffled. Suddenly he flew to the wall I ran as fast as I could out of his office to the great hall.

"Proffeser Dumbledore!" I exclaimed and he stood up and I started panting all eyes were on me.

"Proffsoer Slughorn he's one of them he tried to kid knap me." I said panting. Proffsoer Slughorn rushed in. His body began to morph back. Into a person I didn't know. I walked back to the Gryffindor table as Dumbledore captured him and I think he went to lock him up. The Mauraders hugged me I just sat down people were staring at me and I just sighed.

I finished eating a while later after the Marauder's told me I needed it. I didn't want to eat though. To much had happened and now war is among us. I don't even know what happened after I blacked out. We had classes still tomorrow after all that had happened. I walked out of the hall and as soon as I hit the stairs people started muttering rude things.

Some even took it's so far to shove me around. When will they understand. I reached the common room not really wanting to go in there and face everyone. I walked in and a few people glared at me but I ignored them. I walked to my empty dorm. It was so empty now. Only my bed was there and all my stuff. The other bed was taken out since my roommate wasn't here.

I sat down on my bed and finished my homework. I set it all in my bag and layed down not caring if anyone tried to take me for hat moment. I just wished my dorm mate was still here. She made everything so lively. I layed there just thinking. Soon I drifted off to sleep on my bed. It was her death all over again.

Nightmare flashback:

Death eaters stormed into the room and yelled "she's not here. Hey you! Where carolett Gryffindor!" "She's not here" my roommate said looking at them. "Ch! Your useless! Avarda kadavra!" He yelled causing her to fall to the ground.

She had the same look on her face. Still smiling. Her blonde hair all over her face,grey eyes dull and lifeless, and yet she could smile through all of that.

Flashback thing end.

I shot up out of bed and stood up. I quickly got dressed not bothering to shower. I threw my hair in a bun and grabbed my bag. I put on heels today. Well they were Lily's but I stole them. I put my wand in my hair. I walked downstairs ignoring everyone and headed straight to transfiguration. I sat down in the back corner not wanting to sit near anyone.

After a while everyone filed in even the Marauder's. They looked around but didn't see me. The sat down in the middle of the room.  Class soon started and we were studying how to turn a cat into a dog. Not really knowing when we would ever need that but oh well. Someone raised their hand and said "professor McGonagall why is caroletts last name Gryffindor isn't it Evans" "that's not any of my information so I don't know" she said looking at me and I knew she knew.

After that we had potions which wasn't really exciting like it used to be. I was on my way to lunch when someone grabbed my wrist from behind and dragged me to the black lake...

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