Chapter 36

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“Honey your a- I don’t know how to put this but your speacial. Their trying to kill you because your the light of the dark. You will bring peace, you will stop the evil and become a hero, be brave honey, I believe in you,” My mother said and she faded away

”No! Wait! Don’t go! What does that mean? I missed you!” I screamed and I was back in reality in the hospital wing. WHY AM I ALWAYS IN THE BLOODY HOSPITAL WING???? YOU KNOW THEY SHOULD JUST MAKE A BED WITH MY NAME ON IT IM LITTERLY HERE EVRY DAY! I sat up and realized their was sweat all over me.

Suddenly five sets of arms were around me. I looked to see The Mauraders and Lily. 

“How? He Killed me? What did she mean?” I thought aloud

”You were blast by the curse then all the death eaters left, you randomly appeared in the great hall a day later passed out. So we brought you here. Also who’s she?” Lily explained 

“My Mum, my real Mum.” I said I looked at my body it was completely unharmed.

”bloody hell this year at Hogwarts has been weird.” I muttered and they agreed

”And I still have 3 to go, luckily not 4 cause I skipped a year.” I muttered a bit dizzy 

“wheeeeee it’s a flying duck!” I exclaimed pointing to  Sirius.

”my head hurts.” I moaned

”First im not a flying duck second it’s called being dizzy.” Sirius said

”ITS A TALKING FLYING DUCK!” I screamed and Lily and Remus giggled Sirius face palmed James was dying of laughter and Peter just stared at me

Thats when something weird happened Peter turned into my dad I shrieked and I coward back into my head blared.

**James POV** 

Carolett shrieked and rammed into her head board and had fear in her eyes.

”ok I’m getting Madam Pomfrey now.” Lily said and went to the door and came back a minute later with Madam Pomfrey She shooed is all out. So we went to the common room.

After madam promfey checked me over she sent me on my way finding nothing wrong. Before I left though she made me take a potion so I didn't get a migraine. I walked through the hallway and felt a movement behind me. I turned around and saw nothing. Suddenly I changed into my anagmi form (I can't sleep today ok). My ears flicked listening for sound. I heard footsteps a while ahead and I took off quietly and quickly.

After a few minutes the footsteps stopped and I stopped as well. I heard the person coming my way then and I slid behind a pillar. I caught a glimpse of the person and saw it was regulus (Sirius younger brother). I walked out from the pillar and looked at him. He saw me and recognized my eye color. I mean who wouldn't it's a midnight blue (#go_post_823_drawn-blue-eyes-midnight-blue-1).

"Carolett? But i-i thought you were dead?" He said. I shook my head no and transformed back to my original self. My dark red locks went over my shoulders and I looked at him. "You really should go to the Gryffindor common room ok" he said. I nodded giving him a hug and telling him to be careful. He nodded and left.

Even though regulus was a death Eater it wasn't on choice he was forced to be one and at the age of thirteen to, he may have bullied me with other Slytherin but he would come and help me after saying sorry so I have to look after him. I ran off to the Gryffindor common room and that's when I realized it. I'm in heels. I swear I was wearing tennis shoes before. Suddenly my shoes changed. What the fu- I was cut out of my thought by the portait opening. 

Umm... Ok then. I walked in and went to the sofa and sat down. I took a deep breath and that's when I black out again into another image.

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