Part 8

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(timeskip people!)

(remus p.o.v)

I was walking around the castle to the library to give my book back when I noticed carolett sitting in a window seat staring down at the grounds. I slowly walked by her to see what she was looking at. It was a letter but I couldn't see what it said. I continued walking till I got to the library.

I returned my book and decided to look around to see if I could find anything interesting. I was looking around when I saw carolett reading something in the back corner. I got a quick glance at the title and it read 'how to recognize a werewolf' and as soon as I read that I left the library not getting a book.

(Carolett p.o.v)

I woke up one morning in December and decided to put on my black sweater and some jeans. I didn't want to wear shoes so I put some socks on and decided to walk around. Skamp tried to follow me but I knew a few people had a cat allergy so I told him to stay, so he did. I started walking around the castle when a owl came swooping to me.

It was a letter. I looked around where I could read it and found a window seat. I sat down and opened the letter.

Dear carolett,

Just wanted you to know mom and dad want you home for the holidays. I'm gonna be at Marlene's though so just send my present later on.

I looked up from the letter tears slipping from my eyes. I started shaking. I don't wanna go home though. I got to my dorm and grabbed my trunk before starting to pack my clothes. I closed my trunk a while later and put it by the door.

I went on my bed and just sat there when flashbacks started coming.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" My father screamed. He smacked me causing me to look at him not wanting to get hit again.

"Your a freak and dumb unlike your sister be more like her!" Mom screamed kicking me hard into the wall. I coughed up some blood.

"Don't ever talk back to me!" Dad yelled at me before slamming my head to the ground.

flash backs end there.

I started crying not wanting to go back to that place. And worse is she won't be home for break so it will be bad. I got up shaky and decided to go eat something for dinner. I slowly ate not wanting to go to bed.

(Marauder's p.o.v)

"Hey guys!" Remus said. "Ya!" Sirius,James, and Peter said. "Look what I found." Remus said. "Is that a letter?" James asked coming to take it from Remus. "Ya and it was addressed to carolett but there tear stains on it, but that's not the problem it just says she going home" he said. "That's the thing" Sirius said. "What?" James said. "She going HOME!" He said. We all stood there shocked and looked at the last sentence because it usally happened when her sister was gone.

"It says her sister is gonna be at Marlene's the whole break." Peter said. James started freaking out. "Ahh if only we were friends we could have helped her!" He screamed.

"James let's go down to dinner to talk about this." Remus said. "Good idea!" Sirius said. When they reached the great Hall they saw carolett slowly eating.

(Carolett p.o.v)

I got up a few minutes later now noticing the Marauder's talking in whispers glancing at me. Great! They might end up beating me later like they usually do. I headed back to my dorm and sat on the bed for a few minutes before getting ready for bed.

I layed there in bed with skamp curled up on my chest purring. I smiled down at him before getting to thinking. "Maybe I can go with her?" I asked myself only shaking my head after because I knew she wanted to hang with her friends alone.

I fell asleep after a few minutes not wanting to get up when morning came.


I woke up to skamp pawing me telling me to get up. I rolled out of bed scared of today. I don't want to leave here it's my safe haven. I got up and got dressed in before picking up my trunk. I put skamp on his cat carrier with food and water. I started walking to the carriges ready to leave.

I found a empty compartment and locked the door before putting my trunk on the basket. I sat down and took skamp out of his carrier holding him (if your wondering skamp looks like this:)

a black cat with bright green eyes.

I layed down petting skamp when i decided to grab my guitar and sing. I grabbed my guitar and decided on what to sing. I slowly decided on mean.  After I finished i noticed someone looking at me. Somehhow the marauders had open the door and were standing there staring at me. All I could do was sit there frozen.

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