Chapter 18

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I woke up to someone banging on my door. I got up opened it to find James jumping up and down like he had gotten a puppy or something like that. He grabbed my hand not even letting me do my hair and dragged me downstairs where everyone else was already.

The boys were about to just start grabbing before I said "no we are not doing that" and they froze. The pouted lightly at me only this made me smile. I grabbed all their presents and organized them into piles for each of them then giving them their piles. They looked at me sheepishly before saying thank you.ift

I looked to see I actually had presents. I looked at them curiosity grabbing me. I noticed the boys looking at me confused. "Aren't you gonna grab your gifts?" Peter asked. "W-well I've never really gotten anything for Christmas." I said putting my head down embarrassed. " Hey it's fine I mean then this Christmas is extra special!" Sirius said. I only smiled at that before grabbing my gifts.

I put them in a pile deciding to go from smallest to biggest. It was great I had gotten so much cool stuff. I had new shoes,clothes, bracelets,books,and some chocolate. But the one I liked a lot was the one from Lily. She got me my own Polaroid. I don't know how she found out I wanted one but it was amazing.

The boys were happy about my gifts to them. James got a stag plush, new glasses, and a small owl from me. Sirius got a black dog plush, more parchment, and a thing of muggle candy from me. Peter got candy, a rat plush , and a flannel shirt from me. I think remus was really happy with what he got, he got a wolf plush, a crap ton of chocolate, and new quills(quick right quills and fixing mistakes).

I was happy that they all enjoyed their gifts from me but I told them to go put them away so I could go and make breakfast then start preparing dinner with the house Elves. I put all my things away organized and neat then set out for the kitchen.

I made the boys some pancakes really quickly with bacon and left back for the kitchen.

(Sirius p.o.v)

I was watching carolett rush from the kitchen and back and kept asking if we needed anything. We of course said no but Merlin this girl needs to slow down.

I decided to go see what she was doing bit Remus said not to in case I accidentally got hit by the door. I just went and checked anyway. The smell was delicious. It was like heaven in food form. I saw she kept telling the house elfs what to work on or how to do something. Sometimes she went over and helped them. I guess she saw me and said "do you im need something?" "Uh.. can I grab some water?" I asked trying to act smooth.

Carolett nodded to one of the house elfs before it came back to me with a glass of water no more than a second later. I left after that not wanting to be questioned again.

(Carolett p.o.v)

After Sirius got his water I went and checked on the turkey. Hmm.. needed a little more butter. Luckily for today only the ministry granted me to use magic. So I grabbed the butter with my wand and made the butter put it's self on there. It smelt so good in here.

I decided to make some cookies for the boys so they could eat something since it's been two hours since they've eaten. I made three dozen cookies and sent a house elf off with them to deliver. She came back and went back to work on the rolls.

This is my favorite thing ever though even if it may sound stressful. I just kept working not noticing ms.potter watching me cook all of this while smiling.

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