Chapter 35

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James’s POV

We rushed down the halls and we finaly reached the seventh floor peter opened the door to reval a bed and four chairs. Man I love this room! Then we heard blast and we slammed the door shut. We all heard something and heard people start shrieking. We put Carolett on her bed and covered our ears but it was no use it was like he was whispering in our ears. (sorda like what happened in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, you know?)

"It is I Voldemort, give me Carolett Rachel Gryffindor or a you may know her Evans, bring her to the frobidan forest, will give you 2 days." Voldemort said and the blast returned.

        We all looked at each other.

"Guys what do we do? Caroletts been feeling so guilty and depressed too, she'll turn her self in!" Sirius said and we nodded

"Even Dumbledore said she was causing trouble!" Remus exclaimed

"We should take her to Potter Manor." I sugested and they nodded lucklily their was a fire place and floo powder.

Sirius picked up Carolett and slu her over his shoulder, she laybe their life less he gto in first and said "Potter Manor" eventauly we all were their.

"Mum!" I called she came down the stairs and saw us.

"James? Carollet? Sirius? Peter? Remus?" She said confused

"Mum, Voldemort wants Carolett dead when the attacks happen they ask everyone if they know where she is and she hides but she could get caught. Shes also been fainting alot." I explained and Sirius layed Carolett down on the sofa.

"You four go back to school i'll take care of her." She said and we nodded and went back to Hogwarts.

(caroletts p.o.v)

I woke up bedroom at the manor. I sat up and looked around. No this can't be right I need to be at school. I quickly got dressed in a black shirt and blue shorts. I put on my tennis shoes before shoving my hair in a messy bun. I grabbed my wand and heard a knock on my door. I turned and saw ms.potter there. 

"The boys will kill me if you leave so try and change your looks ok" she said before walking off. I smiled and went to my bathroom. I focused on changing my hair color to Chestnut brown and my eyes to grey. I looked a the mirror and looked at myself. It worked!.

I smiled before packing some medical supplies for the battle. Once I was done I put my wand and hand and bag on my back. I focused on the great Hall of Hogwarts and I ended up feeling dizzy after but I had made it. I opened my eyes to see a few wands pointed at me. My eyes faltured a little and I guess Dumbledore saw and made everyone put their wands down.

I looked at him sheepishly. "We need you right now so get out on the battle field" he said. I nodded handing him the medical supplies before running out. I went into the hallway and saw many battles going on. I saw the Marauder's outside battling with death eaters. I ran out the wanting to help them but I ran passed them to another death Eater that was about to kill a first year. Also to think my birthday was yesterday. 

"Incendio" I yelled causing him to catch on fire. I lifted the first year and told them to get to the great Hall. They nodded running off. I continued to battle death eaters. I glance next to me and saw a death Eater about to kill Peter. "Petifocus totalus" I yelled. The death Eater fell to the ground frozen making his spell go to me. I just barely doged and another deatheater behind me died.

People that hated me were still protecting me so they did care. Ugh whatever. "Carolett Rachel Gryffindor you have twenty seven hours to come to me!" I heard a voice yell. I froze. That voice... It came from..the dark forest. I don't know what happened but something connected again and I apparated to the forest. "Ahh so you came to die" he said. I raised my wand and waited. "Avarda kadavra" he yelled. It hit me and I didn't see black or white though.

I saw...grey? I looked around seeing I was alive. I heard a voice behind me "carolett?" I turned around to see a women who looked like me except she had brown hair and blue eyes. "Sweetie is that you?" She said coming and hugging me. "Mom?" I said.

"Yes! Yes! I'm you mother" she said spinning me around. "But why am I here though" I asked. "There's something Dumbledore should've told you long ago" she said causing me to look at her. "Honey your a.......

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