Chapter 7: what am i?!

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                                     The next day
(y/n) POV
I woke up and see toby is gone. I sat up and rubbed my eyes Then masky and hoodie came in. Me," hi guys!" everything seems so happy! And its like i can see rainbows everywhere with happy little faces and cute animals happily coming and going! Hoodie," hey (y/n)! Mind if we follow you around through out the day?" me," okay? Why?" masky," feel like we should!" hoodie," plus you look lonely right now so why not!" me," your the best guys!" masky," get changed and we'll be outside your room." me," m'kay!" they got out and closed the door. I went to my closet and got out a purple dress with white roses on bottom. I smiled and changed into it And brushed my hair after. The dress only went up to my knees and it was real hot in the house! I smiled and opened the door and they saw me. Me," okay let's go!" i smiled brightly and skipped out into the hallway but walked normally after. Hoodie," *whisper* poor (y/n)! I feel so bad!"  masky_" *whisper* I don't wanna see her cry! Look at how happy her spirit is!" hoodie," *whisper* god who would want to break that!" i ignored their conversation and went to the living room. Toby," hey(y/n)! Can we talk!" me," toby! Sure!" toby," good! Let's go!" he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of masky and hoodies sight and into a small room. Toby," hey guess what?" me," what?" toby," okay this is a prank! And its gonna be the best one ever!" my heart broke! I felt empty and felt darkness everywhere! All the rainbows and happy faces an animals died and it turned to darkness and faces crying! Toby," don't you think this will be funny?" he was smiling and i was faking a smile. Me," yeah. Definitely." he smiled and got out the room. I got out and stumbled forward. I leaned on the wall and then back up. I got to the table and the girls smiled at me and i cried! They look at me worried and i ran outside not wanting to be anywhere near the house he's in! I ran into the forest and didn't stop till i tripped and fell on a few branches. My knees were bleeding and my arms are cut from the branches. I cried and cried and just felt broken and felt like nothing was real and everything was fake! I had no words and had no thoughts on what happened so all i did was cry. Slender," (y/n)! Are you alright? Child don't run into the forest like th-" me," *voice cracked* im sorry! I just felt broken....." slender," *sigh* lets clean up your wounds and if you like you can stay in your room." me," okay..." he picked me up bridal style and i couldn't stop crying. I just couldn't stop at all! We got home and everyone looked at me and saw how broken i was and they didn't like it. Lazari," (y/n)! Are you okay?" me," hi lazari......Uh no....Im not okay........" slender put me on the couch and trender and splendor cleaned my wounds. Toby was on my left and im glad i couldn't see him cause if i did i would cry again.Trender," your eye is faded now!" sally," what?! Lazari!" sally and lazari look at my right eye and see is now a faded brown. (sorry for now your eye is brown! But later it'll all change!) lazari," poor mama!" lazari hugs me and i hug her tight. I shut my eyes tightly not wanting to feel the pain anymore! Everything feels heavy and everything seems darker than usual. Nina and jane pat my back and a tear escapes my left eye.i hate love! Love is cruel and darkening! It hurts! Everything feels heavy and sad! Why did i even say yes! I hate myself! I hate toby! I hate love! I hate myself for ever believing in it! Of course it was a sick joke! Im so damn gullible and damn myself for being weak! I just wanna die now.......Please just kill me....... I don't want to feel this pain......The pain that hurts and makes everything dark..........I wish i back in the asylum! I don't wanna be here where he caused the pain! I hug lazari tighter and she hugs me tighter as well. Slender," child don't think like that!" me," im sorry.........Everything just hurts....." trender," toby leave now!" splendor," (y/n) open your eyes." i open my eyes and my left eye is darker than before. My eye is now black....... No longer grey but black. Splendor," it'll all be better soon. I promise it will!" me," i hope your right!" slender," girls let (y/n) do as she pleases for now." i let go of lazari and she let go of me and smiled at me. Lazari," we'll make it better for you! We promise!" i smiled and little and i got up and left to my room. I locked my door not wanting to see anyone........I just wanna be alone and only alone. I sat in the corner of my room and hugged my legs. My room was dark and quiet and i like it and want to keep it that way.

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