Chapter 14: happy death day to you! Happy death day to you!

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                             The next day
(y/n) POV
I woke up in a fucking comfy ass chair and i giggled! I rub my eyes and sat correctly in the chair and saw slender man asleep in the bed. I chuckled softly and then the door opened which I'm pretty sure slender put a spell to keep me inside the room so i won't escape. Offender came in and i smiled and stood up and ran and hugged him. He chuckled and his chest is warm like always. Offender," hey Princess! Excited for today?" me," don't even start!" he chuckled and ruffled my hair. I let go of him and he smiles at me. Offender," im pretty sure slender put a spell to keep you in here so imma break that so i can watch you cause clearly you tired out slender man!" me," yeah! I made him look for me yesterday as he lost me and he then found me." offender," well lets go!" something sounds as if glass broke but it was just the spell breaking as a sign i can leave. I follow offender happily as i haven't spent much time with him and i wanna be with all five of my dads! (literally the child every parent dreams of! You gots five dads! I kids but its a little funny! I can't wait to hear your comments on this tho! [kind comments! I don't like rude comments!])  offender," how come you haven't tries to escape yet?" me," cause i can see your tendrils wrap around me but are invisible as you used an invisible potion!" offender," how did you-" me," fairy's never tell!" offender," Princess your to smart!" me_" thank you!" he chuckled and i walked ahead if him as i got bored and ran into sals. Me," hi sally!" sally*" (y/n)! Happy birthday!" me," thanks sals! I hope everyone doesn't continually tell me that!" sally*" they'll only say it once!" i chuckled and she left with a bright smile. Offender just watches me as i walk to the kitchen to eat but was immediately engulfed with hugs and "happy birthday (y/n) voices". Me," and to think i came down for breakfast! I didn't know hugs was a type of breakfast tho? Can i have some tomorrow?" they all laughed and let go of me as i smiled and thanked them. They smiled and ran off smiling brightly. Me," damn is it just me or is everyone happier than usual?" offender," everyones happier than usual." ben," i made ya breakfast so you can eat birthday girl!" i look at ben at the table and see a plate of- i want you all to guess what he made me(you).

He made me a plate of bacon and some eggs but mostly bacon. I chuckled and sat down as he put the plate in front of me.ben_" enjoy baby!" ms," what did you say?!" ben,_ its just a nick name! Like the one you gave me!" me," benny choose another one! That sounds inappropriate!" ben," fine uh? (choice of nick name)?" me," yes!" ben," okay!" i hug ben as a thanks for the name and for the bacon! He chuckles and i let go and eat my breakfast. Then zalgo comes in with a very bright smile and hugs me and kissed my cheek. Me," hey hun!" zalgo," hey baby!" ben," oh and he can call you that!" me," he's my boyfriend! Its appropriate for him to say it!" ben," no fair!" me," Benny c'mon!" ben," naw ah!" me," ill call you it if you stop complaining about it!" ben," deal!" he smiled and ran off with a smirk. Zalgo sat next to me and watched me eat and he put his arm around me. Zalgo," oh and happy birthday baby!" me," thanks!" zalgo," im quite excited for today too!" me," why?" zalgo," cause i have a surprise for you!" me," oh really?" i turn my head to him and look at him as he has a smile on his face. Zalgo," yep! And i can't wait to give it to you!" he pecks at my lips and i lean back as im still eating. Me," im still eating!" zalgo," just one kiss?" i chuckled and sat straight as he then kissed me and i closed my eyes and kissed him back. He stopped and smiled at me. Zalgo," ill see ya in a bit! Love ya!" he kissed my lips softly and left. Me_" love you too!" i look back at my plate and see it empty. Me," hey who took my bacon!" i hear a gasp from under the table and i look under the table to see lazari and sally eating the rest if my bacon. Me,_ bacon thief's!" lazari," happy birthday mommy!" she came to me and hugs me and i hug her. Me," thanks lazari!" she giggles and she quickly ate the piece of bacon she had. Me," well im done eating! Lets go play!" lazari," as much as i want to but i can't! Me and sally have to get ready for your party!" ms_" or! We can skip that and go have fun!" lazari," sorry mommy!" i chuckled and let go of her .and she runs somewhere with Sally. I smiled and was gonna grab my plate when offender takes it away and goes in the kitchen and washes it! Offender," its your birthday not your chore day! You'll do fun fun and awesome things and not work!" me," that doesn't sound fair!" offender," well too bad!" he finished washing it and came to me and picked me up and put me on his shoulders. Offender," we're gonna have fun!" me," god this is high!" he chuckled amd walked off to the living room. Lj," i didn't know the queen was coming?" i look at lj and laughed. Me," apparently i can only have fun and not do work when its my birthday!" lj," so we have to treat you like royalty?" me," please don't!" lj," alright-" offender," treat her like Royalty jack!" lj," she just said not to do that!" offender,"to bad! She will and she can't refuse!" me," well me being the stubborn little girl i am i refuse!" lj," ill do what ever she says as she is the queen!" me," *gasp* oh yeah! Put me down and don't treat me like royalty!" offender," dammit I should've thought this through!" he refused to put me down and and i grumbled and lj chuckled. Me," you so lucky!" lj," why?" me," cause you don't have to be like this!" lj," oh yeah! What me to help?" me," YES!" he laughs and grabbed my hand and teleported to his room. Me," thank you!" lj," no prob!" i smiled and offender yelled my name and I laughed. Me," he's gonna make father and splendor watch me too!" lj," ha! Oh i have your birthday gift!" he takes something out from under his bed and i look at it now interested! Lj," happy birthday (y/n)!" he passes it to me and i smiled and opened it. I saw a Pokemon shirt and automatically flipped! Me," OH MY GOSH! LOOK AT PICKACHU! AND ASH AND OH LOOK LUNALA AND SOLGALYO!" my eyes sparkled at the shirt and lj laughed at my excitement. Me," don't judge me!" lj," its adorable how you get so excited!" i blushed a little and then saw a candy bag and got hungry. Tho lazari and sally did eat my bacon? IDEA! Me," oh candy!" i get the candy bag and open it and also see a box. I grab it and put the shirt and candy bag down and open the box. My eyes widen as i see a necklace with a moon, dream catcher and a mini moon in the middle of the dream catcher. Me," *gasp* i love the moon! And dream catchers! Thank you jack!" i hug him and he hesitantly chuckled. Lj," your welcome!" i smiled and let go of him and look at the box. Me," help me put it on!" lj," oh? Okay!" i take it out and gave it to him and turned around. He put it around my neck and connected it and let it fall. I look at the charm on the chain and smiled. I turn to jack and smiled at him. Me," thanks jack! Ill always wear it!" he smiled and blushed a light pink. Lj," its your birthday! Of course i got you something!" i chuckled and splendor bursted through the door! Splendor," child do you know how worried we were?! We thought someone kidnapped you?!" offender pushed splendor aside and ran to hug me and picked me up happily. Offender," don't you dare ever fucking do that again!" me," awe! But it was like hide and seek! I hide and you four seek me!" splendor," oh yes lets play!" offender," idiot she just wants to hide from us to avoid her birthday!" lj," smart!" me," i know but offender had to figure it out!" offender," like hell your gonna miss your own birthday!" me," i wish i could!" splendor," but we planned something special!" me," i know i just hate my day! All the attention on me,people staring, singing and others constantly saying happy birthday! Annoying too!" lj," heh what else is annoying?" me," oh oh! Toby's annoying! Uh uh? Hm?" i thought about it and offender chuckled and put me on his shoulders. Me," *sarcastic* ha ray.....More royalty........How fun." offender," oh shut up! You like it!" me," no i don't!" offender," ya haw!" me," naw aw!" offender," ya haw!" me," naw aw!" offender,"ya haw!"me," Naw aw!" offender,"Ya haw!" me," naw aw!" offender," ya haw!" me," ya haw!" offender," naw aw!" me," i do so stop disagreeing!" offender," no you don't and that's final!" lj and splendor started laughing and i laughed as well. Offender was confused then realized what i did. Offender," even with out magic your still powerful! *mumbles* with words!" me," ha! Im smart as fuck! Put me down now!" offender," no! For being a smart mouth I won't put you down!" me," karma!" lj," ha ha! Karma's gonna come collect your dept!" splendor," seems as if karma already has done that!" offender," why do you say that?" right when he finished i was picked up for the millionth time and standing on the ground. Im sorry did i say ground? I meant hanging in the air while offender tried to get me back from sender man. Slender," child go change while we finish hanging the decorations." me," the. Stop picking me up and having me hang on high ass places!" Lj," someones pissed!" me," sorry! I get grumpy on my birthday." they put me down and offender and father teleport me to my room and i go to my closet and open it. Me," i need privacy to change!" father," c'mon offender!" offender," don't you dare escape!" me," i don't have a choice!" they left a d i got angry at myself. I clenched my fist and punched the wall. It felt good. I punched the wall repeatedly untill i couldn't feel my knuckles. I stopped and hit my forehead on the wall and growled. Me,"*growled* try to at least be happy today (y/n)!" i sighed and punched the wall one more time. Me,"*angrily said* stop being so angry! Be happy your family wants to be with you.......But they never were..........There was a reason they weren't but still no excuse! Damn i hate my birthday!"  i remove my head and felt so angry i had to let it out. I glare at the wall and was gonna punch it till i overflowed and my monster came out again. He punched the wall for me and i smiled and he turned green. Me," your staying with me through out my party!" he nods and i smiled and went to get changed. I changed and came out my room as the party was ready. Everyone danced and had fun and i was annoyed cause my real family didn't show! Why didn't they come! Why are they still not here?! They have no excuse to be absent! I knew this would turn out bad! I felt sad as i depended on my biological family to come. Tears stung my eyes and my monster turned blue and pat my head. I hung my head and sat in a chair away from everyone smiling and being happy. I played with the necklace jack gave me but i was more focused on why my parents or cass didn't come. Me," *mumbles* i fucking knew they wouldn't show! Why did i depend on them!" i snap at myself and a tear came out. Someone wraps their arms around my waist and i didn't bother to look. Zalgo," baby please come join everyone- are you crying?! What's wrong?!" he got in front of me worry laced on his face as he wipes my tears away. Me," they didn't come...." zalgo," oh no!" me," i should've known anyways........My fault for depending on them i guess." he picks my my chin with his finger and sees all the tears im holding back. Tears fill his eyes and I didn't like it. Zalgo," please don't cry!" me," im trying to hold it back!" zalgo," its okay!" he hugs me and i hugged him and cried. Damn myself form depending on them! Stop being so weak! They never came in the past so they won't come now! Stop crying! Why are you crying (y/n)! Zalgo strokes my hair and everything was getting quieter and slender crouched in front of me. Slender," im sorry they didn't come sweetie!" i tightened my hug on zalgo and he growled at slender. Zalgo," way da go slender!" slender _" why don't we open the gifts everyone got you?" me," if it'll end the party fast okay." he frowned and i let of zalgo and my monster took away my tears and made me look like i wasn't crying. I go and sit in the middle of the party as everyone brought me their gifts. All their gifts made me happy and my monster was green. Me," thanks guys........This was a fun party!" they alk frown and look at slender. Slender," she wanted her parents and her sister to come but they bailed." they look at me and my monster turned blue. I then become angry and i dismissed my monster and stormed inside. You knew they would bail! Stop crying about it! You lived with out them for years! You can do it again now! So toughen up and stop being a pussy about it! I go to the door and hesitantly tried to grab the knob. But i stopped and knew why. Me," let go of me......Please!" ben," c'mon! Stay!" jeff," c'mon sis! Forget them and have fun!" me," i wanted to spend one birthday with them.........That's all i wanted!" jeff,_ it'll be okay! We're here!" i smiled by the inch of my mouth and they let go of me. I hug them both and they chuckled and hugged me.  Ben," but can you put on what i got you? Please!" me," you made me bacon and woke up early for it so okay benny!" he punched the air and i chuckled. I let go of them and ben passes me the bag and i rolled my eyes playfully amd went to go change into it. I dyed my hair blonde (unless its already blonde) and changed in the link outfit. I look in the mirror and smiled in agreement and came out and ben hugs me tight. Ben," you look so hot!" me," watch it ben!" rake," yeah watch it!" i smiled at rakey and he nods at me. Ben let go of me and zalgo wrapped his arms around my waist and pecked at my lips. Me," what?" zalgo," nothin' just looking at the most beautiful being to ever exist!" i chuckled and he kissed my lips softly about 3 times and then stared at me. Me," what's wrong?" zalgo," i have something to ask you!" me," what is it?" concern fills my voice as if a river were to flood a city. He let go if me and knelt on one knee and looked up at me. Zalgo," will you marry me?" he takes out a box and opens it to reveal a diamond ring. My eyes widen and i gasped. Everyone was silent and i smiled feeling all anger and sadness leave my body. Me," oh my god! Zalgo i- i have no words!" zalgo," say yes!" me," hm! Ye-" i couldn't finish as i find myself falling to the ground. The last thing i heard was zalgo scream my name in panic. And as the darkness engulfs me my last sight was on toby smiling at me and waving at me. Then i see nothing.......

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