Chapter 9: boys sleep over?!

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Hi guys and i know what you must be thinking and well i thought why not let the boys have one too! I mean the girls have sleep overs so why not let the boys have their own type of night or something! It would be a bit funny too! Alright story time! Bye!
     Zalgo POV
After i left her i regretted it cause she seemed sad that i was leaving! I sighed and got," this better be worth it father or i swear if she is a fire fairy ill let her kill you!" father," ouch!" me," what do you want anyways!" father," I followed her today and she is a fire and black magic fairy! She's the first of her breed but the last among all fairys! She is the last of all fairys and i want her head!" me," WHAT?! Your not going anywhere near her! So what if she's the two type of fairys that can kill us! She won't cause she's to nice and to kind to kill us! Plus she loves me to much to kill me!" father," i won't rest till i have her head on my wall and then you can choose another bride!" me," screw you! (y/n) is the only girl that makes me feel happy! She is the only reason i come back home!" father," so what! I don't care! She will kill you and she will smile at your dead body!" me," no she won't! I know she won't you prick!" father," son if im right on her being a fairy then im right about her killing us!" me," she won't kill us! But ill be glad if she killed you!" father," son son son! My idiotic son you know nothing of fairy's! For generations we have been at war with fire ane black magic fairy's then 100 years ago they disappeared! We won but they went in hidding cause they were discovered by the mortals! Now she is the last of her kind but the last fire and black magic! So she is an enemy and she must die!" me," YOU'LL NEVER KILL HER AND ILL ALWAYS PROTECT HER!" i stormed off and flamer pulled on my pant leg. He dragged me to stripes room and i see her with stripes getting ready for something and left to my room and entered a portal. Slenders portal. Me," she must be forced to have a sleep over........Must have wanted stripes to join?" i smiled as she is to kind even when she meets a stranger. I chuckled and opened a portal back to her room and her wolves were asleep. I laid down on the bed and fell asleep....

                             The next day
(y/n) POV
I woke up and feel arms around me and lazari still asleep. I smiled at little lazari and tried to see who's arms are on me. I rub my eyes and sat up and look behind me only to see ben. Me," *whisper* what the- how did you get here?!" i look around and saw lj with candy, and stripes has a little lover! Stripes was asleep and zero was stroking her hair. Me," *whisper* ooo! Someone loves stripes!" he looks at me and blushed a dark red. Zero," *whisper* n-no! I was just...... J-just admiring her h-hair? Yeah admiring her hair!" me," *whisper* um hm! And ben hates bacon!" zero," *whisper* don't tell her! She has something other girls don't have. Just like you but you already have zalgo. But stripes she is kinda like you but she has something else too!" i chuckled quietly and shook my head. Me," *whisper* she is an amazing person! Don't you dare hurt her zero! Or else you'll be like your name!" zero," *whisper* okay i won't! Why would i anyways." i smiled and ben woke up. Ben," hi!" me," *whisper* why were you in bed with me!" ben," cause your hot and you had guts to take all the bacon and give it to wolves!" me," wow!" i rub my left eye cause it hurts a little and closed my right. My jacket was unzipped and i was wearing night wear of course and it was cold. I stopped rubbing my eyes and opened them. Once i did ben sat on my lap and smirked at me. Me," what are you doing?" zero," hey man leave her alone!" ben," baby your so attractive that i just want to bring you in bed and just hear you say my name all night!" me*" what?" zero," dude i would get off her if i were you!" ben," why? Do you want to sit on her?" me," huh?!" ben," just let me lay you down it'll be fun!" (*gag* oh my god! So nasty!) i was just confused and felt uncomfortable. Me," listen i have no clue what your doing or saying but can ya get away!" zero," dude full blown warning you get away and run!" ben," why?" zero," and i warned you!" ben was picked up off my lap and i felt comfortable again! Jeff was glaring at ben and ben just smiled. Jeff," *whisper* what the fuck are you doing to my sister!" ben," getting her ready so i can lay her down nice and good!" (god ben what the fuck! Im kidding!) jeff," *whisper* hey lets go somewhere with no one that way i can show you something neat!" ben," oh god help me!" zero," hey I warned you and you didn't listen!" jeff took ben away and i was still confused. Me," what did ben mean by all that?" zero," your to innocent i can't tell you!" me," okay!" zero," hey how come you wear dresses all the time?" me," its all i have to wear. The girls onky gave me dresses so i wear dresses!" zero," that must suck!" me," no but it would be nice to wear jeans and a shirt for once! Cause im not a big fan of dresses!" zero," and makeup?" me," don't like it! But i let the girls put it on me." zero," jewelry?" me," they can kill you! Like hell imma put it on!" zero," uh any type of girl stuff?" me," nope! But i let the girl's do that girl stuff on me so i can see them smile and be happy!" zero," so your like a tomboy!" me," whats that?" zero," a tomboy is a girl but a girl who hates girl stuff and does boy stuff!" me," i guess i am a tomboy!" zero," hm? Hey tonight me and the guys are having a boys night or something and your a tomboy so you'll like what we do! Its the opposite of the girls but a little bit like it!" me," are you inviting me?" zero," yeah! You'll fit in very well!" me," okay! Ill see ya tonight i guess!" zero," alright!" he looked at stripes and he kissed her head and got up. Me," *whisper* awe!" zero," you saw nothing!" i zip my lips and threw the invisible key away. Zero," cool!" he left and i chuckled. Then lazari woke up but went back to bed. I smiled and got up and left to my room. Once i entered i saw zalgo asleep and i smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled and i laid down next to him. I snuggle up close to him and he put his arm around me and pulled me closer. Zalgo," did you miss me?" me," yeah!" zalgo," well i missed you too!" i smiled and i moved up so im at his face and im not having to look up. Me," your warm and its cold." zalgo," why are you cold?" me," im in night wear and this jacket doesn't exactly hold in warmth." zalgo sat up and looked me up and down and he smirked. Me*" what?" zalgo," nothing!" he got up and closed the door and locked it. He came back and stared at me and i was confused again. He laid down next to me but got on top of me and he smiles at me. Zalgo," i can't hold myself together anymore.........You trigger me by just smiling at me but this crosses the line and i can't help it anymore!" me,"what-" he kissed me and i kissed him.

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