Not a chapter! Sorry! Just a note......

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Okay okay i was reading this book to see for mistakes and when i got to chapter 11 i saw it was incomplete! Im so sorry! I was super positive i finished that chapter! So go read that chapter now and ill continue it right here! I have it written down on paper so i know what i put. And again im so sorry! And when your done with this go read from chapter 12 and 15. I think 15? Okay and once more my apologies and my mistake so please enjoy that part i didn't write.
              Chapter 11: prison...............Continuing
Zalgo POV
Me," you idiots! This is my fathers dungeon!" i went to the walls and ripped the poorly put paper and look at them with annoyance. They look at me and ran out. Slender," i guess we were more worried about (y/n) that we didn't pay close attention to our surroundings." i roll my eyes and i went ahead of everyone and guided them out. The guards came to me and stood straight. Guard," sir shall we put the pasta in a prison cell sir!" me," no they are company and don't do anything to them got it!" i glare at them and they nod and ran off scared. Me," there you all should be fine........For now." slender," lets head home and help (y/n) quick!" i nod and opened a portal. We enter and we see toby stroking (y/n)s hair..........But she's crying! I growled and toby saw us. Toby," isn't it wonderful when she cries? I think it is!" me," that's fucked up toby! I would wake her up and awk if she was alright!" my anger boiling inside me as her tears slowly drop from her cheeks to her neck. Toby chuckles and he got up. Toby," i wanna fight you! She is my waffle and mine only! You can't have her you fucking demon ass yandere!" me," look whose talking!" he glared at then (y/n) woke up and saw me. She smiles and toby knocked her out.............He triggered the dynamite now! My anger exploded with rage and i attacked him! Me," slender get her out of here and take her somewhere safe!" he listened and i didn't pay attention as toby was trying to escape! I beat him unconscious and i looked around trying to see is sue was still here! She was not and slender left somewhere safe with her. I hope your safe babe....."


Yay i fixed it! Now i feel bad cause i did that! Im so dumb! anyways go back and read from chapter 12 to 15. Im sorry im making you all go back and fourth! Ill fix this book later if i can or if i remember and if i don't pls do me a favour and remind me. Anyways if i make chapter 16 and i still haven't fixed my book remind me! That'll be great cause i know ill forget and im very bad at remembering things! So i hope you all enjoy and thank you all for 731 views and 36 stars! Im still wondering how this book got more views than my other ones! Well bye guys and enjoy the rest of my lovely book!

Zalgos Deviling Wish (Zalgos × Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now