Chapter 10: oh no!

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                     Same day: after noon
(y/n) POV
I woke up and rub my eyes. I use my elbow for support and look up. Cause i felt someone with me. I saw offender?! Me," hi offendy! How ya doin?" offender,* just swell now that your up!" me," where am i?" i look around and see the tv,couch and living room door!me,* oh im in the living room!" i yawn and lay back down. Me," don't tell daddy i woke up! Imma go back to bed!" i closed my eyes and went straight back to bed.....

Offender POV
She fell asleep and i was shocked! This chick is unbelievable! She laid back on my lap and fell asleep?! She is the one I want most! But slender man won't let me do anything to her! Trender and splendor said the same thing to me too! Luckily i removed slender from here and put him in his office! He'll be confused too but i don't care! As long as i have the girl that will be mine forever with me! I smirk and chuckled softy at her beautiful face.
Then i felt an angry presence and knew the three specific people! Me," hi guys! What ya doin?" slender," did you do anything to her!" me," no she went back to barely 30 seconds later." trender," slender said he was with her and woke up in his office!"me," cause i moved him! Duh!" splendor," alright leave her alone and go hunting or something!" me," i already found my prey!" slender," that's enough!" slender removed her from my lap and now was her his arms. My body felt empty and hurt once she lost contact with me. I growled, stood up, and gave them a blank glare. Me," hey! Give her back!" slender," she will sleep in her room and in a bed. Not on you." trender," plus you'll only kill her after!" me," i won't!" splendor," yeah and ej gave up kidneys!" ej," TAKE THAT BACK!" splendor," you wanna go right now with me ej!" ej," no goodbye!" i growl at them cause they took my love. Me," i love her too much to even kill her! I wouldn't even do anything to hee unless she wanted to!" slender," yeah right!" slender teleports away and i got angry and storm out to the Forest. Ill just go kill! No fun just kill.....
⏰⏩ 3 hours later

I came our empty! I couldn't kill a single person! Not even with my tendrils! All i saw was (y/n) and i couldn't kill a doll like her! I quit early and left home and saw slender on the couch. Slender,* not even a single person! You really do care!" me,* no shit i do! All i saw was her and i couldn't kill when i saw her face disappointment!" i did something I've never done while seeing someone was disappointed in me.......Tears..... Slender," well your gonna have to look for another girl like her cause zalgo already has an affect on her and they are dating." my blood boiled and a portal opened and zalgo came out. Me," you-" zalgo,* is it true...." slender," what true?" zalgo," is (y/n) a fire and black magic fairy....." he hung his head and stared at the ground. I was more pissed at him about him dating (y/n). Then forgot what he would do! Me,* no its not true-"zalgo,"*growl* don't you dare lie to me!" we were a taken back by his tone and slender stood up. He was gonna erase his memory of us but hesitated.
Why are you hesitating!-me
I.......I can't do it?-slender
She'll be crushed if i erased his memory! She was already broken at the thought of him forgetting her!-slender
Grr! Shit!-me
We'll have to convince that she's not a threat and he doesn't have to destroy her!-slender
Slender," yes she is a fire and black magic fairy. The first of her breed and last of her kind. But she's not a threat! She doesn't have to be destroyed!" zalgo,* i just wanna talk to her...." slender,* fine.....Don't kill her!* zalgo," i don't plan on doing that anyways." he left up stairs and slender teleports and comes back with a crystal shard. Slender," i wanna see (y/n) please." then it glows and it comes out like a hollow gram.  Zalgo," (y/n)..........We can-..........We can no l-longer s-s-see ea-e-e-each other a-a-anymore! Im sorry!" slender," shit!" (y/n) was frozen and her eyes had sadness in them. (y/n)," w-w-w-what?! W-why?! Zalgo.......Zalgo please!" zalgo walked off and she fell on her knees and broke out crying. I felt broken just seeing her fall on her knees. Slender," shit! This is bad dammit!" me," what do you mean?" slender," zalgo gave (y/n) so much happiness that she depended on him to make her smile! Ever since toby she felt like zalgos kept her sane! Now zalgo broke up with her and she'll become dark and sad....."Me," like last time?" slender," worse than last time!" the crystal stopped glowing and slender put it in his pocket. Slender," we should see if she's alright!" me,* definitely!" we rush to her room and find her in the corner of her room crying. Slender," you alright?" (y/n)," please just leave me alone!" she lit her lighter and pushed us out her room and closed her door. Slender," she's shutting us out! She won't let us in!" me," (y/n)! Just........Let me in at least!" the door opens and we see her flames weak and half faded. I enter and she looks at me with broken eyes.

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