Chapter 17: well f**k me upside down i screwed up

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Zalgo POV

Its been awhile and she still hasn't come out of her dressing room. I got worried and started to freak out. Me," *whisper* babe where are you?" i started to tap my foot and got scared. Then slender comes in and looks irritated. Me," where is she?" slender," uhhh..............How will you react if she was kidnapped and she doesn't have the guts to hurt that family like figure or friend?" me," everyone's dead untill someone coughs up the juice!" slender," yeah no that's not happening! Offender kidnapped her and she doesn't wanna hurt him so she's stuck between running back to us or staying to keep him happy and us safe." me," so who will you miss less?" slender," your not killing anyone zalgo!"  me," then offender better bring her back!" slender sighed and shook his head. Slender," its not that easy zalgo! Once offender is in love with someone he stays on to the someone till they die or either left cause of someone important human matter! And in this case she won't die and she has no human matter to go to thats important!" me," yes she does! She...........She has to be here with me...........I don't want offender to take her!" it was silent and i forgot everyone else was here. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and turned around. I see trender and he smiled at me. Trender," what will happen if you find her?" me," i would hug her,check for any of offenders marks,and comfort her if she's troubled..............I would do anything to make her smile and not be well all emotions that are bad......" trender," now that is the rightful man i want for my daughter!" i look at him as he approves of me worthy and a portal opens. Slender," we only found a location he might be in so look around carefully!" trender," we'll be looking for a more accurate location that he might be in,while you search the areas we think he's in." i smiled and went in the portal. Don't worry babe! Im getting you back home!

(y/n) POV

I was in a room and was thinking. Tho offender tried to telepathically talk to me and i stopped thinking. Now im just in my room looking out the window and watching the deers and rabbits pass by or stay to stare an eat. I smiled and see offender leaving! I gasp and went to my door. It was locked. I sigh and laid on the bed on my stomach. Me," *mumbles* damn i miss the others already!" i felt something wrap around me waist and i gasped. I turned around and saw offender. Me," don't scare me like that!" i punch him softly and he chuckled. Offender," im sorry! Are you hungry?" me," tch! No!" i cancelled out my stomach grumbles but was unsuccessful. Offender," nice try! Your eating weather you like it or not." me," not! Definitely not!" offender grabbed my shoulder and he teleported to the kitchen. There was a rose in a vase,romantic lighting,two plates,and food set up for a feast. Me," no im out!" i walked away and offender grabbed my hand and pulled me back making him wrap his other arm around me and our chests pushing against each other. I look at him my eyes with curiosity but fear of whats to come next. Offender," you still have that wonder in your eyes! The eyes of a child when they're barely born in this world!" me," well im no child!" i said and pulled out of his grasp. He smirks as i walk away and lean on a wall. Offender," your such a rebel! I love girls that are rebels!" me," *sarcastic* and i love boys that are stupid and point out the obvious!" he chuckled and i smiled. Tho i didn't notice rake was watching us in the living room and when offender pinned me to the wall we heard him growl.........


Ahhh! Im sorry! Short chapter! But its cause i ran out of ideas so please send and help me! Alright thats all and bai! And i will try to update more okay! Bye guys!

Zalgos Deviling Wish (Zalgos × Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now