Chapter 11: prison

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                                 The next day
I woke and smiled at myself. I open my eyes and see buffy panting and slober coming out his mouth and tongue. I giggled a little and rubbed my eye and yawned.Me,"*tiredly said* hello buffy! How ya doin boy?" he barked once and i squeeze my eyes closed cause my ears hurt from the sound. Me," *tiredly said again* that hurt my ears....." he whimpered and i chuckled. Me," no it's okay! I should've gotten up and been more ready! Im sorry buffy!" he licks my cheek and i giggled then realized something.......... where is zalgo? I sat up and looked around and heard the house was quiet. I stood up and looked at buffy. Me," wheres zalgo? And why is it so quiet-" the door creeks open a little and all i see outside is darkness and red,shiny liquid comes in slowly........Terror was all that faced me along with sadness. I slowly walk out and open the door fully and it is dark and red blood on the walls as if someone was smashed and blood splattered all over the walls. Buffy follows behind me cautiously and anger and bravery were in his eyes. I walk down to what seems like stairs and see the living room but with red paint instead of its usual living room colors. Buffy froze and i looked at him and i was now more cautious! Me," what's wrong boy?" he whimpered and i crouch and look at him with sweet eyes. Me," are you scared?" he shook his head then he fell and my eyes went wide! He whimpers as he bleeds! Me," *gasp* BUFFY! Health as strong as infinity!" green dust goes over him and he licks my hand. A tear came out as i am relieved he is okay. Me," how did this happen?be safe please!" red and orange dust falls over him and i smiled. I stood up and once i did a hatchet hit the right side on me but on the wall. Toby," lucky you!" me," toby where is everyone........Where is my father and my uncles..........Where is zalgo.........Wheres my brother......Where is everyone!" he laughs like a psycho and i glare at him.Toby," i got pissed off cause zalgo touched you and no one touches my waffles!" me," what did you do!" toby," a specific someone has been teaching me how to summon portals and i thought everyone needed a vacation! So i sent everyone to alaska!" me," toby what the hell! Why?!" toby," cause no one touches what's rightfully mine!" me," you better bring them back! And you better not have hurt them!" toby," zalgo got a few cuts and damage cause he touched you! Now me and you can do what ever we want!" the room got darker with my rage! He hurt zalgo and he might've hurt my family so hes gonna get it! Toby," waffle i love you and i don't want anyone else to take you from me thats why i did it!" it was silent and then the room went normal. Me," if i fight you your probably gonna hurt them and if i refuse you'll probably kill them so i have no choice but to accept it." I frown knowing this was the only way to keep them safe. Toby," good girl! Now come give me a hug!" i clenched my fists and slowly walked towards him and hugged him. Toby," that's it waffle! See now you'll be happy with me!" a tear came out as i missed them especially zalgo. Toby kissed my head and stroked my hair. Zalgo......Daddy.........Uncle slender.........Uncle splendor........uncle offender......jeff.......Everyone else im sorry i couldn't protect you! Im sorry that im gonna do this! So if any one of you can hear this then........I love you all and hope you take care.....i let go of toby as he lets go of me. I look at buffy with tears and he whimpers at me. Me," *whispers* good bye buffy!" he starts to howl and tries to get up and a tear escapes my eye.I look out the window and i make it rain and its a hurricane outside now. Toby," hm weather will be bad today! Looks like we'll be okay for now!" he smiled and my eyes weren't visible to him. Toby," let go to the room!" he grabs my hand but then i refused. Me," i haven't eaten at least let me eat something!" toby," oh yeah! Go eat and ill be in your room!" he left up stairs and Buffy continues to whimper at me. I instead go to hoodies room and grab his gun and hide it within my pockets. I get out and grabbed ljs poisonous candy and put it in another pocket. I got out and went to ejs room and grab his scalp. I finished gathering my materials and left to my room where i see toby shirt less and smirking. Me," what are you doing?" toby," what zalgo did to you! Bed!" me," mm no im still confused and don't feel like doing what ever the hell that was!" i don't wanna do a couple thing with you! Like hell i would! Zalgo is who i love and i love only you bastard! Toby," then ill show you in time. For now just lay down with me and go to sleep!" i roll my eyes and left the room and to the living room. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep.........

Zaogo POV before taken to the under realm. (they were taken to the under realm not Alaska! He only said that so you wouldn't panic and go find them!)

I woke up and see (y/n) still asleep on my chest. I chuckled and smiled at her angle face. Then i thought of an idea! Can i heal her eye? No can i fix her eye! I can probably go home and look for a spell or charm to help her! That way she can see who's on her left and he senses aren't limited! That will help her a lot! I smiled and carefully got her off and me and put pillows instead. I got out but came back in and kissed her cheek. She smiles and i chuckled. Then her wolf came in and wagged his tail at me. Me," take care of her when im gone. Please?" he nods and i smiled. I pet him and his tail wags faster. Me," good boy!" i left and went down stairs to see toby smirking at me. Me," what?" toby," she will be mine and i have a plan to make her mine forever!" i glare at him and was ready to kill him! Me," she is mine and i will break her from whatever you put on her!" toby," oh its no spell or magic just portals!" me," what?!" toby," see a friend doesn't like the idea of her with you so he taught me how to make portals! So say hi to your dad!" i fell and went through something and i saw the others in the house already here! Slender," he got you to?" me," yep!" trender," wait why isn't my daughter here?!" me," he brought us here to keep us away from (y/n)! Now shes up there still in bed asleep." slender," we have to find a way out and help her! Who knows what toby could do to her!" me," but she's strong! Shes a-" splendor," zalgo may we the enders speak to you privately?" went to the other side of the room and they told me everyone else doesn't know about (y/n) being a fairy. Me," wow now secrets are bad especially one from her brother!" slender," if they knew they would be afraid and would keep away from her and she'll be lonely." me," never mind keep secret!" offender," duh!" me," so how do we get out?" slender," we've already tried everything so we have nothing else." splendor," apparently this realm was made to keep anything in but fairys can escape." me,"but (y/n) is at the house.........So we just gotta wait till he sends her down here on mistake or something?" trender," unfortunately yes we have to wait." me," I can't wait! Especially if im away from her i go crazy!" slender," have you seen jeff?" he moves and I see jeff screaming at everyone to find a way out and the others trying their best. Me," im more crazy!" slender," ugh i hope she comes soon-" he froze- let me rephrase that they froze! The enders froze and stare blankly at each other. Lj comes running and looks at them with fear. Lj," you three heard that too right?!" slender," (y/n) please whatever it is don't do it!" trender," sweetie don't!" offender," what does she mean by that?! Does she mean shes gonna- she better not! (y/n) don't do it!" lj," what kill herself?" slender," no..........Shes gonna overflow!" me," what the hell is happening!? What is (y/n) gonna do?!" splendor," if she overflows she'll create a monster and it'll destroy what she wants dead!" me," WHAT?!" lj," what?! She can do that?!" slender," well she doesn't know she can but yeah she will make it." me," wait wait wait! Overflow?" slender," lj keep this overflow a secret cause if the others know they'll stay away from her and she'll be lonely." lj," okay." he left and the enders look at me. Slender," she'll turn to a fairy and it'll make a monster of her choice! We found out this morning and that's the type her breed can master." splendor," each breed of a fairy is different as you know and her breed,fire and black magic, can master the creation of monster." trender," which she is the first of her breed but the last of her kind and if she overflows she'll make that monster to kill toby." splendor," of course each monster she makes will be saved as her emotion and the one she'll use is anger so she has already created her anger monster! And she can make them come out again as long as she continues to feel that monster within her!" me," ooooooo toby's screwed!" offender," bastard deserves it! He doesn't trap us in a prison that impossible to escape but fairys can escape!" me," details much?" offender," you wanna start now!" me," no thank you!" slender," the point is she'll make that monster and she'll kill toby!" me," but what happens if she kills toby?" trender," we'll probably be able to get out or we might be trapped here forever depends on which he put us in?" me," you sound like you wanna be trapped?!" trender," heavens no! I have a daughter to take care of and brothers to be annoyed at!" slender,splendor,offender," HEY!"  trender," you would say the same if you all had a daughter!" slender,* i still feel the same as she is my niece but she feels like my daughter! *mumbles* and you three are annoying!" me," wow you four really hate each other!" splendor," no we just annoy each other some times and it makes us dislike each other." me," so about getting out........" offender," yeah that's impossible!" me,* ugh! (y/n) babe please kill toby quick!" i look up and see the roof looks like the dungeons roofs in father's Castle. Me," wait are we in fathers castle!" i look at the walls which are poorly covered with paper to look like a huge box! Me," you all are idiots! This is my father's dungeon!" i went

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