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    OH MY GOD?! IM CRYING! WHY DO YOU GUYS LIKE THIS BOOK?! 1.42k?! Omg thats just- oh my god i can't even talk?! Thank you! Thank you all so much! I love you guys and thank you for reading my book and y'all are just the best! God y'all are getting a sweet treat now!

The muffin song is so deep! And funny!

That is me! I've been told that im gullible and weak so i found this song and cried!


Yes! Ej is real! I KNEW IT! Lol im so dumb! But if he's real then who else is real?

SLEMDER MAN IS ALSO REAL! TOTAL PROOF! And if thats not proof enough then i don't know what is?!
Alright ghats enough and thx again for the views! I love you all and enjoy whats left of this book! Bai!

Zalgos Deviling Wish (Zalgos × Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now