10) All For a Slice of Pizza

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Peter's eyes were flooded with something cold and blunt. His skin and clothes were washed over and he was soon soaked from his chest and up. He raised his sleeves to wipe away the small sting of the drink that had been splashed into his face. When he was able to open his eyes, he looked down to see cubes of ice and soda foam of orange Fanta all over his shirt.

"Whoa, hey, SHE STOLE THAT GUY'S PIZZA" Peter heard a deeply voiced man say as he re-established his senses. He turned his head toward the entrance to see the door closing and a thin, blonde girl running up the street. Well, this will be a first, he thought to himself as he stood and briskly walked out the door. He thought about following her in the direction she had gone but decided to go the opposite way to change identities. As soon as he found an empty alley, he snuck in, slipped the suit on and propelled himself in to the air.


"No," he said to his suit A.I., Karen, "but we're kind of on one now. We're looking for a young, blonde girl that is running with a pizza box." With that command, Peter saw the digital display inside his mask scroll through multiple security cameras in the area. A few seconds went by before Felicia's face popped on one them. "That one there, where is she?"


"On my way" he replied as he projected himself from his web-line into the air and shooting another one.


Felicia continued running until she came to the corner of Washington Square. She casually walked in as if nothing had happened. She set the pizza down on a nearby bench, trying to catch her breath. She kept her eyes on look out, mostly to check that no one was following her from the pizzeria, but also to see if someone was waiting for her.

She turned her head down the path she had walked and noticed two boys with hoodies on. One of them wore all black, and the other an orange hoodie with blue sweatpants. They slowly approached the young thief, keeping their eyes fixed upon her.

Felicia figured this was her rendezvous personnel that she had gotten a call from recently. The deal was to fix them up with a pizza for cash. She went to pick up her pizza, looking over her shoulder once more to make sure no one had followed. She saw there was nobody, and made her approach to the mysterious pair.

As they approached each other, Felicia observed the distinct features of the two boys. The boy in black had no mask on, revealing the face of a young white adult with brown hair. The other boy was more interesting to observe due to the yellow hood mask he covered his face with. The only thing that stood out more, were the darting brown eyes that peered through the eye-holes of his mask. They narrowed in on her, being completely fixated on what Felicia thought to be either the pizza in her hand, or herself.

They stooped almost within arm's reach of each other, each of them eying up the other.

"Large cheese" the boy in orange asked in a suave, intimidating way.

Felicia shifted her grip on the box to open it, revealing just what asked for. She gave a cunning smile as their eyes widened at the pie.

"Take the pizza," the orange man said to his partner, "and go back to the car."

The man in black extended his arm to grab hold of the box, when Felicia suddenly slapped the box shut and rested it on her hip. "Not so fast boys, where's my cut?"

"Ha ha ha," the boy in orange chuckled, "oh baby, you don't trust us?"

"I will once I have the money in my hands you prick. I did the job you asked, now you gotta pay up, fair and square" Felicia scoffed. She was dead set on getting paid for her services, and this jack-ass was being inconsiderate.

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