34) Females Fighting Forward

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People behave differently at big parties, and some have different ideas of what parties should be like for them. Some like to just bounce from person-to-person, click-to-click all night, trying to get the attention of everyone and make themselves known. Some are just there for the drugs and the drinking. Why exactly, well... it's free, at least the drinks are anyway. Plus, everyone is doing it, so you might as well join in, I guess. Then there are those people that just wander around observing everything and don't par-take in the festivities. They are the people that are usually social outcasts that don't fit into the party scene but hope something will happen that will make their lives a bit more exciting.

One such party-goer, maybe even a party crasher, was Ms. Felicia with her usual black leather jacket, white top, and black pants. She walked through the crowded halls and rooms, unsure of what she could do. She had once been a part of this lifestyle. Going to parties, having fun, spending time with Jason when she thought she could trust him. Now, here she was, cautiously roaming with a less-than content expression on her face, searching for a girl that she had met only once. Yeah sure, Michelle hasn't given Felicia given a reason to help her, but Felicia knew what Macendale was capable of and she was not going to let someone like Michelle suffer.

A few times, Felicia would find herself in a situation where she would notice someone that would recognize her, and she would have to play some role in the party to make everything seem normal. She often would keep a red solo cup on hand, just to pretend that she was slamming a drink down her throat to avoid showing her face. Other times she would find some random guy in the crowd and start a very flirty conversation. That seemed to work more than the cup as most of the guys she talked to got great enjoyment from the attention she gave them. Ugh, men and their hopeless aspirations to get laid, she would often think when one of the guys would try to take the conversation a step further.

She had been wandering about the house for twenty minutes, checking the second-floor bedrooms and bathrooms, down to every closet and living space on the main floor. She finally found a door to the backyard, which was littered with empty solo cups, overfilled garbage cans, and over-energized party-goers. Felicia circles the perimeter of the yard twice, finding no sign of Jason, Lonnie, or anybody she knew that was with them. However, she did notice a small window at the base of the house with a dim solitary light illuminating a basement floor. Her thoughts turned into action and was soon pacing herself from the yard into the house and searching for a door that led to the basement. It didn't take too long, and slowly crept it open, making sure that it didn't capture the attention of the people around her or the people at the bottom of the staircase. Thinking she was clear, she slipped through the small opening of the doorway and gently closed it shut, thinking she had made it through unseen. Unfortunately, a young boy with a hi-top fade with white streaks had caught a glimpse of her bright blonde hair before the door closed.

Felicia proceeded down the stairs cautiously, each step being as silent as a mouse. The creaks of each wooden step made her heart freeze, thinking they would certainly make her presence known. Nevertheless, she pushed forward knowing that everything she was doing was going to be risky. Eventually, she reached the bottom and leaned against the left wall of the stair case before peeking around the corner. She found Kevin with the usual black hair she had come to be familiar with. He was pacing back and forth with his phone in his hands, at chest level, and a pair of earphones in his ears. It appeared that he was playing a mobile game, and possibly listening to music. Either way, he was distracted, and it gave her a chance to slip into a dark room across the hall to form a proper plan. She breathed heavily upon entering, knowing that wasn't going to be the hardest thing she had to get through. Heck, she knew her fists were going to make impact with someone tonight, but she had never used them for making things happen for her. She always found herself using them after getting in some pretty bad luck situations.

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