36) "Are you okay?"

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The next hour was painfully slow for everyone as the police found the girls with J-Mac's corpse. They called in every sargent and detective in the area for a full investigation, even though the girls had seen everything. The officers asked them to stay up against the garage until they asked about what happened. Peter had left the scene but made himself comfortable on a ledge of a building taller than the surrounding structures. He made sure to keep an eye on things just in case things went bad, like if they ended up getting arrested or something.

The two girls couldn't help but stare at the dead body before them. At times there was a bit of relief in seeing it, and times where they didn't know how to feel. Michelle didn't linger on her thoughts about him, trying to forget anything had happened. It wasn't easy, especially with the body practically begging for her attention. Felicia was certainly glad to be rid of her violator, but she couldn't help but think of all the time she had spent with him. All the time trying to find some happiness in his company, only to end up regretting every moment with him.

"You okay?" Michelle muttered from the blonde's left. Felicia stayed in silence as she begrudgingly nodded with a pair of pursed lips. "I know we're not close," Michelle continued, "but thank you... for what you did."

"Don't mention it" the blonde replied after a moment of hesitation. Michelle gave a small smile at her reply and stayed in silence until an officer approached them to ask questions. They explained what happened and how they were involved in. The officer at one point asked how they knew each other, prompting them to look at each other to find a reasonable answer.

"We have a... mutual friend" Felicia answered, Michelle meanwhile looking up to the ledge a costumed Peter sat crouching. The policeman asked for the "friend's" name and Michelle gave it. The officer paused for a moment, putting together to pieces of knowledge he knew.

"Peter Parker? Related to one May Parker?" Michelle affirmed his question, though she was a bit confused why Peter was now the focus of investigation. It was only when he revealed that Peter was in the hospital seeing his aunt in critical condition that Michelle felt a bit of sadness.

The officer continued to ask Felicia questions, while Michelle looked back up to Peter in deep thought. She wondered why he wouldn't be with May. Why he would rather check on her. Why he continues to stay behind and ignore her fate.

"Are we free to go?" Felicia asked, clearly exhausted from all the questions and having to remember all that had happened in the past six hours. The officer allowed them to go, but to stay in contact in the case of a potential follow-up questioning. The two stroll out of the alley, Felicia slightly limping from some all the hits she had taken.

"What do we do know?" Felicia asks, and Michelle shrugged unknowingly. Suddenly a large red light appeared on the side of a building in a nearby alley. Michelle knew what it meant, as she noticed that the light resembled the Spider-Man mask. "C'mon" she says, assisting her in the direction of the Spider Signal.

They entered the alley and the signal went dark. The girls looked around for their friend and ally just before he lowered himself in an upside-down pose. They walked up to meet him, and Peter flips to his feet, never taking the mask off.

"Hey, you guys okay?"

"Yeah, are you?" Michelle answered.

"Uh, yeah" he confirmed, "just haven't gotten used to the idea of a flying gremlin throwing explosives at me yet."

"Clearly" Felicia cut in, "since I'm the one that saved your heroic ass from said gremlin."

"I had it under control, I just didn't bring my A-game."

"Whatever" she groaned, "just know that you owe me times three."

Peter's lenses when narrow in puzzled expression. "I thought it was only two?" Felicia smirked and raised her arm up to Michelle's shoulder.

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