25) Preparations

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"That's $5.13, sir" the convenience store clerk said. His customer reached into his pockets, scrambling for any change that he could. When he laid it out on the counter, he was short eight cents. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a small charity jar filled with loose change and reaches in, grabbing the first dime that he can find to pay off the transaction. He puts the dime on the counter, only for the clerk to put it back in the jar. "I'm sorry sir, but we aren't allowed to use that jar for payments. It's store policy."

"Are you serious," the young man complained, "c'mon man, my mother's sick. I need these lottery tickets to have a chance to make her better."

"As long as you can provide the eight cents you owe, we're good" the clerk replied in an authoritative tone. The young man rolled his eyes, folded his pockets out, and scoffed at the difficult clerk. "Man, I don't have anymore!"

"Then step aside and let the young lady behind you pay" the clerk instructed, frustrating the boy.

The girl behind him stepped forward and flicked a dime into the air, landing in the surprised clerk's hand. "I can cover those eight cents," she said, earning gazes from both men. She smirked at the clerk before shifting her attention to the boy. "Only for a few minutes of your time" she said to him. The boy smiled at the girl he hadn't seen in some time.

** ** **

"I'm looking for J-Mac," Felica explained to the boy outside the convenience at the entrance of an alley, "I want to make things better between us."

"Can't you call him for that?"

"Nah," she said, "I'd prefer if I spoke to him in person."

"Well," he pondered, "I don't know where he is now, but I know where he will be." Felicia's face perked up, preparing to hear what he was going to say. "He, the Lincoln boy and his crew are hosting a party Tuesday night."

Felica was a bit confused, J-Mac was always one to go crash at a house party, but he never threw one himself. Not to mention, Lonnie and his crew were in on this, what would they have to gain from having a party. Maybe a little celebration for their little victory at the tech shop. "A party, huh. Anything I should know about it? Any theme? Do I need to bring anything?"

"It's in Jackson Heights and come dressed for the holiday. Oh... bring your phone too," the boy explained, "they want to make sure it's trending til the next night."

"Alright, thanks" she said with a smile and walked away. "That's it, that's all you needed?" the boy called to her. She didn't turn back and just kept walking down the street. "Well, thanks for the help" he called out again and went about his business as well.


The same day across town in Jackson Heights, about a dozen young men are busily carrying boxes, bags, and supplies into a neighborhood house. Several kegs of beer, hot dogs, burgers, and chips are also carried into the house and set down in the kitchen. The boxes and bags all contain plastic cups and plates, utensils, and falsely labeled bags to transport drugs. Amongst all the boxes and supplies are the stolen phones and tablets from the tech heist from a few days ago. They stocked them in a special storage unit in the basement, so no one will accidentally come across it during the party.

Once everything is settled and stocked, all the boys gather in the main room. They fill up the couches and chairs, some sitting on the staircase in view of the open area. Lonnie and J-Mac soon enter the house with Kevin in tail with another box in his arms. The two boys stand in front of everyone, like captains of a sports team about to give a halftime speech to get the juices pumping. The silence in the room was obvious, they could almost hear each other's heartbeats. Lonnie stood forward, and finally broke the intense silence.

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