My Mother

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Despite the weight on her shoulders,
She stood tall.

Despite the years she was held back,
She strode forward.

Despite late nights and early mornings,
She made it through to the next day.

Despite new hurdles,
She found a way.

She's the strongest woman I know.

And I couldn't be more proud to call her my mother.

She isn't strong because she's a mother.

She's stronger because she's a mother.

Despite stressful flights and endless roadtrips,
She always makes it where she's headed.

No matter the obstacles, no matter the challenges.

Nothing stands in her way.

And despite breaking down, and crumbling, she always rebuilds herself

With the utter love and devotion from those closest to her heart.

And with utter love and devotion from her heart, she pushes me to live onward.

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