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it's past 12 am when i slip into bed.
it's cold, even with 3 blankets and i can't help but shiver.
as i lay my head down, i can hear the wind howling outside.
'i'll close it later'
12 turns into 2 as i toss and turn, unable to feel comfortable and safe.
finally, i sink into sleep.

it's past 12 pm when i wake up.
my mind is still foggy and i feel as though i could sleep for hours more.
i slip off the bed, shaking the sweat covered blankets away.

in the kitchen, i pop my pills with a sip of water before heading to the bathroom.

i get ready; washing my face, changing, a bit of makeup.

mum calls for lunch.

i think i'll pass, i feel full.

it's now 12:30pm.

i grab the keys off the table and head outside. chewing a piece of gum, i head to work.

it's 2 pm when i slide into the car again. my eyes are hazy and glazed, but a couple blinks has my vision cleared.

i pop another piece of gum.

it's 2:30 pm when i get home.

straight to class. log on, begin lessons and coursework.

it's 6 pm.

mum has called for dinner.
i think i'm still full.
i'll get some food after i finish up school.

it's 8 pm.

i head to the garage to workout.
looks like my water is empty.

it's 9:30 pm.

i head inside.

the house is warm, unlike the frigid garage.

i slide onto the floor, resting my pounding head against the still carpet.

i'm so tired.

i don't think i'm hungry.

it's 10 pm now.

i grab a pill from the kitchen before swallowing it and heading to the shower.

it's 11 pm now.

the water has gone cold as i stare at white floor.

it's 12 am now.

the room is cold as i slide into bed.

the window is still open.

i don't think i'm hungry.

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