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when i left i made sure to never look back.

i didn't check the stars.
i didn't check the moon.
i made sure no one was guiding me because i heard that any road could take me where i needed to go if i had no destination.
and i was lost.
i made sure i had no guide and i was lost.

i didn't check the trees.
i didn't check the moss covered trunks.
i didn't look where i was going.
because i didn't need to go anywhere.
i had left,sure.
but there was no desire to go elsewhere.

i didn't check the river.
i didn't check the stream.
because they knew where they were going and that wasn't me.

i didn't look into the stars, because their disappointed faces would be staring back at me.
i didn't look into the murky depths because i'd see my own horrific reflection.
i didn't want to be here.
i forced myself to leave and turned in circles and circles and circles to erase my place from my mind.
and i kept circling back to you

but you were no better
you had wiped yourself clean of me
and it was only right that i do the same
so i spun and spun and spun
and i cried and cried and cried as i walked on and on and on.
but i was getting nowhere.

i needed to be lost otherwise i would lose

 No Way To NeverlandWhere stories live. Discover now