i was

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everyone always said i was so nice.
i was wonderful. selfless.

but it didn't make me feeling anything.
i thought i should be happy?
i did something nice, why don't i feel rewarded?

everyone always said i was amazing.
but i didn't feel that way.
why? why couldn't i bring myself to feel nice?

everyone always said i was so kind.
but i couldn't see it. i did what anyone else would do, why should i be praised. 

everyone always said i was strong.
so brave. but it didn't feel that way.
i was cowardly and i never faced my problems.

the world was crushing me i was suffocating i couldn't breathe i couldn't stand why couldn't anyone see what was happening

everyone always said i was a leader.
then why did it feel like i wasn't in charge?
why couldn't i do what was best for me?
why did it have to be what was best for everyone else?

what do they say now? do they see me as i truly was? the weak pushover who could never let anyone down? the selfish coward who took things into my own hands?

i can never understand why people think it's so important to say things that can't be heard. things that should have been spoken when i could listen. what use are they to me now?

she is amazing.
she is kind.
she is brave.
she is strong.
she is selfless.

she thought this is best.

and now she was

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