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i'm sorry mom for not appreciating everything you sacrificed.

i'm sorry dad for snapping at you when you just wanted to talk.

i'm sorry sister for not appreciating everything you did for me.

i'm sorry brother for always playing my games, and for not showing how much i love you.

i'm sorry family for not saying 'i love you ' enough to show how much i truly love you.

i'm sorry friends for pushing you away.

i'm sorry teachers for never meeting your expectations.

i'm sorry mom for wasting your money.

i'm sorry dad for never saying thank you enough.

i'm sorry sister for never showing how much i cared.

i'm sorry brother for never showing up to your games to support you.

i'm sorry friends for never saying how much you mean to me.

i'm sorry teachers for never doing my best.

i'm sorry family and loved ones for never being good enough.

i'm sorry self for channeling my anger into my skin.

i'm sorry self for channeling frustration into fingers down my throat. 

i'm sorry self for silenced sobs.

i'm sorry self for pushing to the point where it wasn't my best anymore.

i'm sorry self for never being good enough.

i'm sorry self for harsh words and harsher scars.

i'm sorry self for never reaching my potential.

i'm sorry self for everything i did and didn't do.

i'm sorry self for pretending to be fine.

i'm sorry self for forcing happiness.

i'm sorry self for neglecting to remember happiness.

i'm sorry world for every negative thing i put into the world.

and i couldn't stop myself.

and even when no one noticed, i tried to be there for everyone.

and even though i was spread thin, they made me thinner.

and i let them.

i let them push and pull me in every direction just to get a laugh out of them.

and it wasn't worth a damn thing.

and i wasn't worth a damn thing.

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