Chapter One: Go Through Fire

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"Are you happy?"

"Hmmm," came my reply, turning over and feeling utterly complete at the notion of Nicholas's arms around me. "Yes. Are you?"

He grinned. "Of course. Having a sleepover with my girlfriend? Please. One of my top-three favorite things to do."

I propped myself up on my elbow, knowing that my alarm will go off any minute, which would likely wake up Iana, and signal that Nicholas had to return to his condo to get ready for work. "I, of course, now have to know what the other two things are."

Nicholas chuckled, yanking me towards him then, and rolling himself over and onto his back, so that I was on top of him. "Do you now?"

"Yes," I replied, leaning down and kissing him, "of course I do. But, something tells me that me being on top of you like this will serve more as a distraction..."

"Okay," he says, tangling his fingers in my hair, hesitating for a moment, and allowing his fingers to brush my neck ever so slightly. "Sleepover entails also sleeping with you," he explained, and I rolled my eyes, "but, of course, you already knew that."

I scoffed a little, sitting up so that he couldn't attain me so easily, and a stroke of disappointment came into his eyes as I pulled away from him. "Yes. I assumed."

"Okay, then," he replied, sitting up himself, keeping a good hold on me. "The other two are spending time with Iana and your family, and the last one..."

"Does it have to do with me?" I joked.

He grinned, amused by my impatience. "It's the one thing that doesn't." He leaned down then and kissed my neck, and I put my chin up, allowing him access, in the hopes that he would answer me and answer quickly. "It's winning a case."

I giggled then, the sensation of his lips on me like fire on my skin, and I enjoyed every moment of the flames. "Well, I suppose I agree with you there..."

Nicholas looked up at me then, his eyes dark with hunger. "God, you're gorgeous—even when you just wake up in the morning."

I felt that delicious giggle escape from my throat again, unsure of how it managed to program itself into my system. "Glad you think so. I'd have to agree."

Nicholas raised an eyebrow. "Would you?"

"With you being gorgeous!" I cried, smacking him on the shoulder. "I like to think I'm not a vain person, Nicholas."

"You're not," Nicholas assured me, his hands on my back, but quickly descending to cup at my ass, which sent a shiver through my body and a squeal through my lips at the impact. "You're not a vain person, Murphy. Which is why I fell for you in the first place."

I checked my clock then, seeing that we still had another ten minutes, and shoved Nicholas down back onto the bed. "Prove it," I said, grinning down at him.

The ten minutes came and went quickly, and I threw on my robe and slippers and made a grab for Iana as Nicholas got dressed, moving after him so as I could say goodbye to him at the front door before Ian and Liam attempted to give us looks of mock-surprise. We got all the way down the hallway, making our way towards the front stairs as quickly as we dared, with Nicholas helping me over the child-proof gate so I didn't go spilling onto the main floor, and carrying Iana down with me. As Nicholas opened the door, I moved with him, and as he turned around, he said goodbye to Iana first, who basked in the attention, before he turned and looked at me, the hunger in his eyes returning.

"I'll see you in a couple of hours," he replied.

I nodded. "Remember, it's a Friday, so I've got to drop off and pick up Iana and Liam today, and then there's your plans..."

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