Chapter Five: No Apologies

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"So, they picked your idea for the Halloween party?" Ian asks as I toss the salad I've made for our vegetation the following evening. "That's great!"

I shrugged, flashing a grin at him. "Let's just say that Allie and Hugo agreeing on my idea wasn't the highlight of my day..."

"Yeah?" Ian asks, stirring the meat sauce for the pasta in a pot on the stove. "What could that possibly mean, Murph?"

"Well, let's just leave it at Nicholas and I are better than ever," I say, turning to face him and manipulating my eyebrows up and down dramatically.

"In your new offices, huh?" he asked.

I nodded. "Precisely."

Ian shook his head. "Jesus, Murph, what are we going to do with you?"

"Hell if I know," I replied, setting down the salad tossers and crossing to where I'd put Iana for a nap into her day bed. "Hey, sweetheart," I said softly to her as she opened her eyes. "Do you want to come out now?"

"Yes, Mama," Iana replied, holding up her arms.

I immediately lifted her out, settling her on her feet. I was relieved that Ian and I had baby proofed the house so well, but I kept a close eye on Iana as she wandered around the living room, to the space by the window where we kept a lot of her toys. "So, listen," I said, wandering back into the kitchen, "I have a favor..."

"You need me to watch Iana while you're at the ball?" he asked knowingly.

"No," I said, shaking my head, and he raised his eyebrows. "Well, yes. Take her out with Liam trick or treating or something, I guess. But no, that's not what I was asking."

Ian turned around fully then, leaving back against the counter. "Okay. What do you need me for now, Murph?" he asked patiently.

"Well, Fiona and Debbie are already on board," I replied. "I was wondering if you'd come shopping with us this weekend to find me something suitable for the event..."

Ian grinned. "I didn't know Cinderella had three fairy godmothers."

I rolled my eyes. "You know very well I look nothing like Cinderella."

He shrugged. "A combination of Ariel and Belle, then. But they all wore beautiful dresses at some point or another..."

I pulled my lips inward then, trying and failing not to laugh. "Stop being a fucking dick for a minute," I said, shaking my head at him. "Will you come, or not?"

Ian grinned. "I'll come, don't worry."

"Great," I replied, fetching a box of pasta from the pantry. "It's all settled, then."

. . .

That Saturday, Ian, Iana, Fiona, Debbie, and I all went to a local costume shop that somehow managed to take up an entire city block. Since Debbie had Franny, she agreed to look for Halloween costumes with Iana, while Fiona tagged along with me and Ian to look for something suitable for the ball. It was somehow pleasant to me, walking around there with my brother and sister, as we made it to the correct section, and after a sea of stereotypically slutty costumes, I found a smaller section—filled with vintage dresses—and a green ball gown stood out to me out of all the rest.

It had an oval neckline, with bell-sleeves, and was at least floor length. It was made out of soft velvet, and would hug my figure easily, and, by some coincidence, just so happened to be in my exact size. Although slightly amused by Fiona's pushing, I went over to a dressing room, dress in hand, and was permitted back there, while Fiona let me know she was going to look for a headpiece, mask, shoes, and a necklace for me. I rolled my eyes, a smile on my lips as Ian waited in the waiting area; I left him texting Trevor as I went into my assigned dressing room.

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