Chapter Eleven: Instant Death

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At some point during the night, Nicholas and I had made it upstairs to his bedroom, and spent the entire night in each other's arms. I awoke at seven the next morning, to a flurry of text messages from Ian, wondering where I'd gone off to. Since there weren't any panicked texts from Fiona, Lip, Debbie, Carl, or Liam, I figured that Ian hadn't alerted the authorities yet—i.e., Fiona—or else I'd have more of an abundance. Rolling my eyes at my twin's overprotectiveness, I texted him back, telling him it would be great if he would come and pick me up, as I'd spent the previous night at Nicholas's.

Although annoyed, Ian agreed, and I followed my trail of clothes upstairs and down, getting dressed all over the condo. Finally, I found my shoes—which were by the back door, beside my briefcase—and opened and shut the door behind me. I crossed my fingers that Nicholas would wake up soon, as I had no means of locking up after myself. My worries fell away then as Ian pulled up in my car solo, so I guessed that Trevor had spent the night, or that Liam was looking after Iana on my behalf.

"Sorry, sorry," I said, slipping into the passenger seat, securing my unruly hair with a hair tie I'd found in my purse. "Crazy day yesterday—girlfriend duty called."

"It's fine," Ian replied as we drove along. "Like I always say, I don't care if you're not going to spend the night, Murphy, but just let me know. What if I was called into work? Iana could've been left home alone."

I nodded. "You're right," I said, shaking my head. "Ugh, I'm sorry. Won't happen again. I swear Ian. Really."

He smirked, shaking his head. "Okay, lecture over. Meanwhile, what did you do last night that had you out of the house? Court couldn't have run that late."

I shook my head. "It didn't. We were out before five."

"Well, what did you do, then?" he asked.

I sighed. "Each other."

"Nice," Ian said. "I remember you mentioned that Nicholas's neighbors were on vacation, and the other unit is vacant. You could've been as loud as you wanted."

Immediately, my mind snapped back to last night and I remembered everything—including the part where Nicholas and I were so busy getting busy that we'd neglected to— "Oh, my god," I whispered to myself, putting my head into my hands.

"What? Was it bad?" Ian asked.

"No," I replied, shaking my head and not removing it from my hands. "We have to go to the drug store, like, now."

"Why, Murphy? What's wrong?"

I lifted my head out of my hands. "We did something really stupid, and I need to fix it before I forget or before it's too late..."

"What could be so stupid?"

I sighed. "We need to go to a drug store, Ian..."

He blinked. "Why, Murphy? Are you hurt?"

"No," I replied, shaking my head.

"Then, what's wrong with—?"

I sighed, dragging my hands along my face in impatience. "Ian, you know as well as I do the last time I had unprotected sex, I got pregnant with Iana!" I cried out.

Ian raised his eyebrows. "Oh, Murph..."

I shook my head at him, considering it for a moment and feeling angry. "I don't know if I even want another kid in this lifetime, Ian! Iana's turning two in a month. I can't handle a toddler and a newborn! Oh... What the fuck was I thinking?! Clearly, I wasn't!" I shouted, slamming my head onto the dashboard.

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