Chapter Seven: The End of an Era

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I was thankful that Hugo and Allie requested to sit in on a few of the meetings we hard regarding the Eastman case, and even managed to meet with Gwen a few times on our behalf. It saddened me, however, that they thought they were doing Nicholas and me a favor, and they were—by separating the two of us. As December dawned and I really began thinking of the toxicity and lies that existed between the two of us, and I found myself suddenly wondering if I was in way over my head.

"What's the matter?" Nicholas asked as I unbound my legs from around his torso and let myself down, straightening out my skirt after our latest escapade in his office. "You look...worried. I mean, you've been so quiet these last couple of weeks..."

"Just got a lot on my mind," I replied noncommittally, turning around so as he could do up the single button on the back of my blouse.


"Yes, really," I replied, my tone clipped with impatience as I pulled away from him, to prevent him from overtly touching me. "We've got the case, plus Christmas is nearly two weeks away and I've done only half my shopping..."

"Half your shopping?" he asked as I gathered my leather folder and held it to my chest, almost as if it was a shield to ward him off as I walked towards the door. "That's so unlike you, Murph. I mean, you usually do it all the first weekend in December. Are you sure you're doing all right? Is it someone in your family? Is it Iana—"

"I'm fine!" I snapped, stiffening at the sound of my voice at verbally backhanding his concern for me and every other Gallagher around. "My family is fine. Iana is great. I have to get going now, Nicholas," I said, not making eye contact as I left his office.

I dragged my hand over my face as I walked down the hallway, getting the tears completely out of my eyes until they had the balls to run down my cheeks. Making it there, I saw that it was after one o'clock, and, despite the fact that it was early for me to cut my day short, I was physically and mentally exhausted. I turned and looked out the window then, seeing that swirls of snow were proceeding to dot what little of the landscape was readily available for me to see, and I shook my head, wanting desperately to get out of there.

I took out my phone as I gathered up my things, telling Allie that I was leaving early that Friday afternoon as something had come up at home. Always understanding, Allie told me that she hoped things would be all right as I grabbed my winter coat, putting that on along with my hat and scarf, and deliberately stuffed my earmuffs into my pocket. I gathered my things up into my bag, pulling on my gloves, slipping my heels into my bag and making a grab for my faux fur-lined snow boots and slipped them on as I flicked off the light and stepped out of my office and trudged down the hallway.

Making my way to the elevators, I adjusted the strap of my bag higher up upon my shoulder as I pressed the 'down' button with my gloved finger. I tapped the toe of my boot on the wooden floor, growing impatient to get out of the interim office building. The new firm building was due to open the first of next month, but I wasn't holding my breath for kept promises. The elevator dinged open then and I stepped into it, pressing the correct parking garage level and pressing the 'door close' buttons.

Once I made it down to the parking garage, I crossed directly towards my car and got inside, pulling the door shut with a mighty slam behind me. I tossed my work bag onto the passenger seat and stuck my keys into the ignition, gripping tightly onto my steering wheel, and swearing when I realized my gloves wouldn't allow me to do so properly. I tore them off and threw them down into the well of the passenger seat, gripping the hardened circle then, biting my lower lip to keep the cold from entering my bones as the hot tears formed in my eyes again.

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