Chapter Twelve: Some Kind of Curse

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The following Friday was proving to be the most draining court day yet. The entire week as a whole had been draining, what with Frank's suspicions about another pregnancy, plus Nicholas asking if we could move in together, it had just gone on and on. I was able to get to Ian before the party ended, and just managed to pull him aside. I couldn't speak for a moment, not wanting to come right out and say it, but also knowing that I had to talk to someone about what Nicholas had just said.

"What is it?" he asked, concerned. "What happened? He didn't do anything stupid, did he?" Ian asked, peppering me with questions.

I sighed. "Wouldn't know. I left him alone with Frank."

Ian raised his eyebrows. "Good. Maybe his past came back and he was able to take Frank down a peg—or three."

I rolled my eyes. "Ian, this is serious."

Ian nodded. "Sorry. What did he say?"

"Ian, Nicholas asked me to move in with him," I replied.

He sighed. "Okay. And what did you say?"

"Nothing—I excused myself!" I said, looking at him as if he was insane that I would even consider doing such a thing. "I can't move in with him now, you know that. There are so many things left unsaid..."

"Really? You didn't say anything?"

I sighed. "No, I said something—one thing, I guess," I said quietly. "I said we should discuss it at a later time, because it's not a good time right now."

"Do you have anything further to say, Mr. Blomqvist?" Judge Newton said, disrupting my reverie. "Or you, Miss Gallagher?"

Nicholas got to his feet. "No, Your Honor."

I followed suit. "No, Your Honor."

Judge Newton nodded. "Very well. Ms. Eastman? Do you want to say anything?"

Gwen shook her head. "I've said everything I've wanted to say, Your Honor."

"Yes, Ms. Eastman," Judge Newton said. "So, I'll allow the jury to take as long as they need to deliberate on this case—"

"Wait. Your Honor?" Geoff said, and held up his hand.

Gwen immediately grabbed my arm. "What is he doing?!" she whispered, her face, and voice, full of fear.

I shrugged. "No idea," I replied.

"Is something the matter, Mr. Eastman?" Judge Newton asked, quick to grow annoyed with Geoff, given the last four months.

Geoff sighed, getting to his feet. "I have something to say."

Judge Newton sighed. "Very well, Mr. Eastman. Say your piece."

Geoff got out of his circle of lawyers and stood in the middle of the courtroom, but turned to our table, and I was shocked that it appeared that he wanted to speak to Gwen. "Gwen, I am so sorry," he said. "For years, Mom and Dad tried to get their ideals engrained into their minds. I know that everyone knows that they failed with you, but they succeeded with me, most unfortunately, because their way of thinking is so backward and behind the times. I was so determined to appear like their golden boy and to succeed in everything that I lost sight of what was the most important thing—the love, support, and respect of my twin sister. Gwen, you created fifty-percent, if not more, of our revenue, and you deserve the respect and credit of your achievements. I humbly ask for your forgiveness, and for you to return as co-CEO of Geoff and Gwen Gizmos."

Gwen blinked, getting to her feet. "On the condition that I drop the lawsuit?"

Geoff sighed. "Yes," he replied. "However, once you come back and get the credit—and your old position—back, which should have always been yours in the first place, it will become obsolete." Quickly, Geoff snapped his fingers, and one of his lawyers produced a piece of paper, and Geoff held it out to her. "This is the contract."

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