Live My Life

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By Colten Ellis

I'm not accepted here
Where I grew up
Why would anyone
Want to be around me
No one likes what I am
No one understands me
Why would I be here
When I'm in so much pain
At seeing the same old things
Just whizzing by me
Everything spilling out
All the hage it feels for
Who and what I am
Why do I have to be
In this situation alone
Why can't anyone see me
For who I am and not what
I choose to be in life
So please accept me for
The things I do and
Don't abandon me when
I let you inside my heart
Don't you dare leave me
Standing all alone here
Why would you do this
To someone so vulnerable
I let myself be free
In what I hoped you could
Be for me so please
Don't go around spreading
All that I have said to you
Why have you done this
Why have you hurt me
I need you to know
That I won't go far
To do anything for you
So I don't expect the same
But I want you to know
That you aren't here
And you never will be
You are the reason I have
So much hate in my heart
So please go away and
Let me live my life
The way I choose and not
The way you want
I can't believe you've
Done this to me
Someone who's supposed to
Love and hold me has
Went and betrayed me
Forcing my mind to be
Something I'm not
So go away and leave me
Because I'm far better off
Without you here

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