Rule Above Us

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By Colten Ellis

When the day fades to night
It's that time of the mind to
See where you stand in your
Own little world to be judged
So cruelly by your own self
Never letting up the evidence
Has been stacked against you
Don't give up your hope
For you can fight it as you have
Always needed to in this life
Nothing can break you now
You've faced all you need to
Your strength has magnified
Into something unrelatable
It's honestly scary how fast
Someone can grow in power
Needing a light and hope of
Any way to keep them good
Making sure corruption halts
Before it can even spread
Making us all live in a world
Of our own making will only
Cause us to be full or hate
For the human race is bad
It needs a leader to rule above
Each and every single person
Yet no mortal can take the job
For they are corruptible
So let me see who can be
Found and made immortal
To rule above us all

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