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A/N: Above picture is of EMILIA MERCHANT ;)



The guy nodded and signaled me to hop in. He took my duffle bag, while I adjusted in the back seat.

And in no time, we were there or should I say he was fast enough.

Getting myself collected I turned back to greet him thanks but looks like he is gone. Suddenly my looks fell on the orange shades of sky, it's as if the sun is painting his goodbye on the sky with a promise that he will return tomorrow.

"Hey, get in, the gates are being closed" I heard a stern voice.

"Okay" I made my way inside.

The beautiful garden and the fountain already stole my heart and now it's time to get into this well-maintained house.

I expected a warm welcome or at least a simple welcome but instead, I heard-

"You are late Miss Merchant, 5 hours 12 minutes to be precise. We don't like tardiness if you repeat this next time this will be remarked on your reports. Discipline is the most important one here, you don't follow you will be thrown out" a very fat lady in almost late fifties replied.

How am I supposed to know all these when this is the first time I have been here? Ridiculous isn't it?

Looks like she is the housekeeper.

"Are we clear?" she asked with a hoarse voice.

"Yes," I replied.

"It should be Yes Mrs. Butters Worth" she corrected, no she emphasized.

"Can I have something to eat before I retire to my room? I am very hungry" I asked her hoping a wide yes.

"You are late Miss Merchant and the dining is closed for today," she said.

"Dining is what? It is barely 7:30 PM, how can you do this to me?" I argued.

"Miss Merchant, if you don't retire to your room in another 5 minutes, automatically your room, will be locked and you will lose your slot. Marcus will show you your room" she left me in a shock.

Where did I end up, prison? Or a death trap? I wish I was in Venice with my stingy aunt at least I would go out and buy something to eat.

"This is the room you are going to share with" I cut him.

"I am not going to share" I made myself very clear.

"Yes, you are. Either this or floors of the corridor. The choice is yours" he said and I gladly accepted the room without slamming the door shut on his face.

The room has two beds on it's either side, Half of the room is dark and I can see someone already sleeping in the bed in dimly lit lights near my bedpost.

Huffing, I went to the bathroom to do my business and changed into a night dress.

"Um...excuse me, do you know where can I find a duvet?" I asked my roommate, hoping that she would give a reply. Mark my word hoping.

You know what I got in return? Nothing. This place is very cold, I don't want to die soon not this early and not to tonight especially due to cold. Probably that guy Marcky or Marcus would help me. I twisted the doorknob but it was locked. What why is it locked?

Goodbye, mom & dad. Goodbye Dora and Dexter, Goodbye Goldfish, Goodbye Mrs. Butter, Goodbye unknown roommate. Today I am going to die either by hunger or cold, but I am not sure which will take me down first.

Days of my High school-A bit salty a bit sweet.Where stories live. Discover now