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"Huskie, looks like you have a bad habit of poking nose in everyone's business. I advise, you should mind your own" He smirked.

"First of all, I am not a dog and You are the one who-"I was shushed by him immediately.

"Thomas white and time waits for none, and listening is your job not mine" he stated.

I suppose it was time and tide wait for none!

"Next time remember to mind your own business, huskie" he rasped adjusting his hair.

"What if I don't" I almost yelled at him.

"You better not test me on that" he smirked and lightly tapped my shoulder.

As I listen to you.

"Of course, you should, if you want to survive here" he stated without looking back and left.

You name should have been Thomas Black; it would be the best match to your black deeds.

Was I loud?

"Did he just talk to you" Avery questioned.

When did she even come here?

"I think so" I said.

"Then it is bad news" she replied.

"And before you ask why, Thomas means trouble and trouble means Thomas, they are analogous and all that mischief he does is only for fun, every one takes fun for fun, but for him, fun is a serious issue. He would cross any limit for that." She said holding her breath.

"Like?" I questioned.

"Making principal to detox, just like that, throwing ink on teacher just like that, turning cafeteria into a trash bin just like that, throwing pranks at people just like that and making us clean for this mess he made, just like that..." and her just like that issues turned out into a long list.

And not to forget getting me detained on my first day, just like that!

"Uhm... Avery! You said it had been a month, the curriculum has started and isn't weird you know too many things about that Thomas" I queried.

"You are talking about month, but you know what, a second is enough to change everything and not only me, everyone in this school knows Thomas since his arrival last week, after all in this prison like school, he is the only one who acts according to his wishes and has the audacity to challenge anyone. People think he is arrogant but I don't mind because I like arrogant ones" she winked.

What does she mean?

"And you know what, if I knew that he was about to talk to you, I would have never left in the first place" she whispered in my ear.

She is unpredictable! But one thing I can agree with Avery, he can make anyone dance to his tunes and staying away from him is the biggest resolution I have made for the day.

"Uhm... what do we have for next class" I asked changing the subject.

"Calculus" she replied.


"Hi! Avery. Who is this new girl" someone took a seat next to us?

"Hi! Toby. She is Emilia and Emilia, Toby" Avery introduced.

We smiled in reply.

"Looks like you are from States?" toby asked.

"Good After Noon class! Thanks for your patience waiting, today we are going to study about integration" Madam Adley continued with her lecture.

May be this is her way of saying, sorry for being late! I giggled at my thought.

I know you don't like to hear maths so I skip to my next class.


I am now accompanied by our gang which just formed in last class called Math haters.

Just kidding! but still good enough to call a gang which included me, toby, Genevieve, Avery and Sam.

As soon as we entered the next class, we found room almost full.

Well this least expected, who likes history please raise your hands?

I bet No one, probably I should reframe the question. Who doesn't like history? Raise your hands.

But this is completely different, we not only found fresh men but also sophomores. It is as if a theatre of blockbuster movie.

I just looked at my friends to make sure we entered the right class, to which they nodded positively.

We settled down randomly and guess what I am sitting beside Elis Prescott.

Definitely this is some kind of hallucination. I heard she in an advance programme, what is she doing here.

Elis was sitting like a statue, if not her breathing, I would have considered her as one.

"Hi there! I am Emilia" I introduced myself.

No reply.

How can one sit so erect without leaning on seat? I always slump on my seat.

"You must be Elis" I continued.

No reply.

Maybe she is shy!

"Hello my dear buddies!" Thomas white entered the class.

Wait don't tell me he is going to teach History?

"Shift" Thomas pushed a guy out of his seat and sat in first seat and gave a glare to everyone around him and they vacated the seats only to occupy by his friends.

Why is he so demanding always?

I am 100% sure that I am sleeping in my calculus class.

"Ahem! I suppose all of you don't have history class, if I am not wrong?" there entered our history teacher.

"Well, a great person said, Knowledge is everywhere and how much one gains depends on their willingness to learn" Thomas Replied.

What?! Where should I bang my head now?

"That's why you skipped your chemistry for history. Your statement is only worthy if you are present in all classes not only in history" Teacher Mocked.

"If I knew there is a chemistry behind history, I would have chosen history in first place" Thomas funnily replied.

Well if a teacher like him make a person like Thomas to sit in his class and make him listen to his lecture with utter fondness, indeed he must be a best teacher.

Or may be a better trickster than Tom.

Hell! Why I am even giving that Thomas a nick name?


A/N: Thanks for your patience waiting. Well I know Its short chapter, I will make sure next chapter is big, compared to this.

Someone really messed up with my schedules, I had to welcome a new dog in my life.

It demands my entire attention.

Hope you will see what is so exciting about this history class?. I am closing my mouth because its Emilia's time to speak.



Days of my High school-A bit salty a bit sweet.Where stories live. Discover now