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Genevieve Smith:

Finishing my practice, I changed into a tube top and a skirt. Cheerleading is not what I want to do, but that is what makes me popular and I love being popular. I wanted to be a singer in first place but knowing crystal high, I just supressed my urge to be one.

This school is something which only bothers about good grades and rest of the activities are considered as trash. Life sucks here, but what can I do? I am just cutting my punishment here for running away from home.

Never pull that stunt on your parents, Never ever.

I stumbled upon something which broke my train of thoughts. I was surprised to see Emi on the ground.

"Emilia!" I tapped her cheek.

She looks cold!

"Emilia! Wake up" I sprinkled some water.

Looks like she is not going to wake up.

I checked for her breathing and relief washed over me as she is alive.

I made her sit. Oh my gosh! She is tad heavy.

Don't get me wrong, she is almost my weight and how do you expect me to carry her?

Dragging her and halting for some time, I somehow carried to infirmary.

"Doctor are you in?" I asked panting, his back facing me.

He signalled me to come in.

Knowing that I can't drag Emelia in, I thought to ask his help.

"Doctor?!" I called out.

"Yes" his chair was now facing me, revealing none other than him.

Thomas Skyler white?!

He looks dashing as always. Oh! My god, I can't believe it's him.

"Thomas?! What the hell are you doing here?" I was confused.

He mimicked me.

"First of all, it was you who came to my office, so it should be me asking the questions not you understood?!" he stated.

Ugh! That smirk. He knew to hit on right nerves.

"How come you are a doctor?" I queried.

"What's wrong with you girl? You ask too many questions, state the purpose of your visit or else leave" he was scrolling something in his phone.

Suddenly Emi flashed in my mind.

"Tom, Emilia fainted, she is outside. I need your help to bring her in" I begged him to help.

I know this devil will not help but still I asked for Emi.

"You dragged her all the way, didn't you? same way bring her in" he casually said.

How can you chill out when someone is dying?!

"Oh! that I can't, she is heavy" I blurt.

Suddenly my eyes widen realizing what Tom said. He knew I was dragging her all the way; he could have helped me.

"First of all, you didn't ask for help and second, I want to check the stamina of a cheer leader?! You boast that you boost the zeal of football team, don't you?" he stated flatly.

Was I loud? How could he hear my thoughts?

"Where is she?" he asked all of a sudden.

His eyes were distracting.

Days of my High school-A bit salty a bit sweet.Where stories live. Discover now