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Elis left in disgust, knowing that there is no point in arguing with them, we all took our seats and began to eat and that's when heard a familiarly unfamiliar voice.

"May I know why the mash aren't done properly; you are serving half cooked veggies? Sausage without no proper seasoning?"

Now who is this?

I lift my head curiously in the direction of the voice, to find a guy questioning authorities.

"What ever is made, is made, have it or else throw it away" the authorities answered.

"Okay" he threw everything in his plate on lunch lady, and the plate hit the ground which caught everyone's attention.

"He got guts, I have to say" I whispered to Avery, who seemed to be lost somewhere.

"Avery, are you even listening" I hissed.

"Everybody! Attention please" the guy turned to our side.


"The lunch staff said if you don't like the food, you can throw it away. You know what I mean?" he winked.

As soon as those golden words left his mouth, every one of them started throwing food towards the staff which ended up falling on others resulting in a massive food fight, in which even my friend Avery fought as brave soldier with my mash and sausages as weapons and finally I made a hattrick in starving.

Amidst all these chaos Thomas White is nowhere to be found. Where the hell did, he disappear all of a sudden?

"Oh my god! Look at this place. Stop it Everyone" It was principal Mandel this time.

Everyone stood still in their place.

"Emilia, down your head" Avery whispered.

"Let's, hide behind this column" she pleaded.

"Why are you even hiding, we didn't start this in the first place" I hissed.

"Mandel is not good one to pick up a fight with. Her punishments are very harsh, which sometimes even badly humiliate a person in public. The far we are from her the better." She told.

Looks like I am already part of that punishment!

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It was a rumour that once a girl was badly humiliated by Principal just because she didn't wear her coat on her shirt just like you. Principal Mandel saw her in incomplete uniform and called her as a characterless girl and body shamed her in front of a group of boys. The news spread like a virus and people started calling her with various names like you know..., she couldn't bear the bullying and attempted suicide." Avery expressed her grief.

"How can she call someone like that? What happened to that poor girl? It's just rumour isn't it?" I asked.

"The news is true, I heard it from girls of senior high that the poor innocent girl was treated worse, even her friends stopped talking to her" Avery spilled the beans.

"What happened to the girl?" I queried.

"She was saved in the last moment by a guy called Travis Brown and no one saw the girl after that day" she whispered.

"Hey you two, what are you doing behind the column?" It was principal Mandal.

After what Avery has filled my mind, I couldn't stop myself and wanted to confront.

"Looks like you people have no intention of answering my question" She emphasised her point.

"We are done for the day Emi. Jesus! What would we do now" Avery whispered?

We could feel the stares of others.

Humiliate me once I will show you who is the best Mandell.

"What the..." a voice diverted Mandal.

"Language Mr White" Mandel corrected.

Ladies and Gentlemen presenting you the whole and sole director of this food fight, Mr Thomas white. I wanted to say.

"Principal Mandel, I had like to handle this matter" a guy behind Thomas said.

Well he looked uhm... uhm...sophisticated, I still didn't get proper word to describe him but for now that's all I can say. Everything about him seemed to be perfect and looking at his uniform it is clear that he is from senior high.

Who is he? Why is this mischievous Thomas guy with him?

"Ah! Travis, I had like to know why rules are broken in this dining hall" Mandel adjusted her glasses.

"You will know soon" that new guy Travis replied.

Travis! as in the same Travis who save the girl?

"Guys! Did any one complain about the food?" Travis asked.

"Yes" we all replied.

"Who complained about the food in first place?" Travis asked.

"Thomas" I shouted; Avery shut my mouth immediately.

"Elis" everyone shouted.

Well it is true Elis complained about the food but she has nothing do to with the fight.

Looks like Mandel didn't notice my voice.

"What did the lunch lady say?" Travis asked.

"To throw the food away" they all said in a unison.

"That was it Principal Mandel, it was just a catering issue" Travis concluded.

"The school suspends the caterers but you students have to clean the room before retiring to your classes" Mandel left.

"Yay!" everyone cheered for Travis.

"Why did you stop-"I was about to ask Avery about Thomas but she cut me-

"Emi! Don't mind I had like to clean myself first before we start cleaning the table" she said.

"Okay!" I replied.

As I saw Avery disappearing from my site, goose bumps crept my skin, as a soft voice purred in my ear.

"Did you just call me husky?"

It was him Thomas White. Looks like I invited another trouble.

Vote, if you want me to leave Emi        



Days of my High school-A bit salty a bit sweet.Where stories live. Discover now