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At the beginning of second half portion of Solomon's Gold, archeologist tended to search "Sephar" which means direction to the mountain of the east where, the sons of Jokthans dwelled. As though the journey go far, they found different information about the history of the mountains and places in the Philippines fitted on their biblical clues. They also got an important conclusion about the location of Ophir, Sheba, and Tarshish in the Philippines where it stated that the isles of Ophir is located in Luzon, Sheba in Cebu, while Tarshish is in the isles of Mindanao.

After the very last segment of originally intended Solomon's Gold stating that Tarshish, Sheba and Ophir were within the Philippines, they have been drawn a conclusion that Philippines has a highly significant role in the end times as the place of Jesus in the condemnation and judgement.
So, Solomon's Gold encouraging every Filipino to relate their selves in the prophecy of Jesus in the scriptures of Isiah and throw all their wrong traditions and occult culture. Including of worshipping His disciples and even Mary. Jesus never say to venerate Mary. She just a human not goddess. Even the original disciples, Jesus put them as a servant not to be worshipped or even venerated and specially not prayed but Jesus. No other than. Not goddess, not saints, not even any graven image. Rebuke all the mystery Babylonian (referring to the government and religion) , Isis and religions of goddess with their occult culture controlling you; conquerors. They encourage Philippines to rise up and condemn it and act as John the Baptist of the end times and be ready to be used by God and fulfill His prophecy.

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