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For the journey of Solomon's Gold part 11, they corrected the misinterpretation of past scholars in the story of three wise men. They stated with biblical proves that the  three wise men are the three kings  from Sheba, Ophir, and Tarshish ( perhaps, it is proven that they are kings and they are tree because the places where they came from are identified). Not in Ethiopia, nor Arabia and even in India. How ? Well as what bible said, the wise men are from the east who started to follow the stars  from the day were Jesus was born and they came in that place when Jesus was already 2 years old. So it’s a two years journey. Why? Because they came from the Philippines. If the kings are just from Ethiopia, Arabia, and India it will may take only a few months. Take note bible didn’t gave any clues for their name. They are not named as Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar, another occult statement; occult culture.

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