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Otherwise, remember that it is not just about the discoveries of Solomon’s Gold in the real location of different ancient places but also the greatest message that they want us to recognize is that we are now being drowned by our own selves, in our own desire, culture and lust.

We didn’t even know our God.
The real God. They want us to wake up from it and throw all these wrong traditions. Including of worshipping His disciples and even Mary. Jesus never say to venerate Mary. Even the original disciples, Jesus put them as a servant not to be worshipped  specially not prayed but Jesus. No other than. Not goddess, not saints, not even any graven image.

Let us rebuke all the mystery Babylonian that referring to the government and religion, Isis and religions of goddess with their occult culture controlling us; conquerors.

They encourage Philippines to rise up and condemn it and act as John the Baptist not only because we believe that our country would be the place of Jesus in the last days but because we are all son and daughter of God. Not a slave of sin. Be proud to be used by God and fulfill His prophecy.

SOLOMON'S GOLD: SUMMARY AND REFLECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now