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       After the very last segment of originally intended Solomon’s Gold stating that Tarshish, Sheba and Ophir were within the Philippines, they have been drawn a conclusion that Philippines has a highly significant role in the end times as the place of Jesus in the condemnation and judgement. Where, in Jesus’ prophecy regarding his place in his second visit were referring to the mountainous isles at the edge of the earth that go down to the sea who will sing and declare his praise, who are the dark-skinned righteous men from the east, who fear God, who will act as John the Baptist, and who wait for him and his law.
All these are referring to the

Even in Isaiah 60:9 KSV stated that surely the isles ( Sheba with in the land Ophir and Tarshish) shall wait for me and its ship from Tarshish will bring and return thy Son ( in its country ) from far and silvers and golds are with them ( resources from its country; Ophir the land gold ) unto the name of thy God and the holy on of Israel they hath glorified thee. So, Isiah clearly say that the Isles (which Solomon’s Gold believe that it is referring at the three islands of the Philippine: remember the Ophir, Sheba and Tarshish) using the renewed ships of Tarshish will rise up in judgement and usher in the return of the Lost Tribes of Israel (God’s people).
Our beloved country as the land of Sheba, Ophir and Tarshish  was really  a blessed and great placed of the almighty creator. Knowing that the land in the bible were here in the Philippines, in our dearest home nation.

I just couldn’t imagined how long it has been since we have started to believe that we, in this nation we’re just nothing.
They made us to believe that we are weak. We were living so very simple and yet we were all like slaves of innocence regarding the charity of what were supposedly…

Wait, do I seemed to tell in this passage that I believeth this; that  Philippines is the future Israel?

Well I  have evaluated it and I could say that  I had to believe. I mean you know. What if its true?
Anyway its not a matter for me if its real or not because as  a Christian ( Born Again ) I already committed myself to be a servant of God. How about you?

Everyone can be a servant of God but its your choice if you want too. Okay sorry for my word, I’m not telling you that I’m  a perfect one. Stop it. It’s not what I meant to say.

SOLOMON'S GOLD: SUMMARY AND REFLECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now