Chapter 10: Cheaters never Finn

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Captino's POV

It was over. Alpha fell overboard. Then his Garchomp took flight and tried to catch him.

"You will learn. Zekrom stop Garchomp with Dragon Claw!" Zekrom flew over to stop Garchomp.

"Espeon stop Zekrom with Psychic!" said Emily.

"Use Icy Wind on Zekrom." I said.

"Salamence use flamethrower!" said Jake.

"Gogoat use Horn Leech!" said Ramos.

"Ryhorn use hammer arm!" said a grunt. Ryhorn hit Gogoat and flamethrower hit my Weavile and Espeon. Zekrom's Dragon Claw carried Garchomp back up to the ship. I watched as Alpha splashed in the water below.We waited but he never resurfaced.

"He's gone." said Ramos.

"Thats what his dumbass get for challenging a legendary pokemon." said Jake.

"Thats just it. Legendary. Nothing else." said Ramos. Garchomp had powered up a Dragon Claw and charged at Zekrom. Zekrom dodged it and used its own Dragon Claw. Garchomp corkskrewed and clashed.

"Detain the pokemon. But first, Zekrom Bolt Strike!" Jake said Regardless of type matchup, Garchomp fell to Zekrom's power. As soon as Garchomp landed, grunts put a cage around it. Then they put us in a cage.

"Now sit back. We are heading to Geosenge Town." said Jake. I touched cage and was shocked. Literally. I felt the ship lurch foward and then faster.

"He's dead. He left me when I asked him to come along. He is such a liar." I said.

"Its ok. He would'nt want us to give up." said Ramos.

"So now what." asked Emily.

"We are taking this ship down." I said. "Weavile use Icy Wind and break the floor." then a flamethrower shot past.

"Don't be dumb." said Jake. Then the ship rocked.

"Sir we have a problem." said grunt.

"What?" scowled Jake.

"A Articuno tailing us." said the grunt. Just then Garchomp mega evolved and broke the cage.

"Zekrom dispose of our guests." Zekrom flew off the ship and a Ice Beam hit it. "Salamence use flamethrower on Garchomp!" Garchomp attacked before Salamence moved and used Dual Chop. Salamence was Knocked out then the grunts pokemon surrounded Garchomp. Emily told Absol to use Psycho Cut and the cage was open.

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